Monologue: Pro-Life Policing | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)



  • TT Burn 2 years ago

    Conservatives are only “pro-life” before birth. After birth guns are more important than life.

  • Rich 2 years ago

    even though they are authoritarian government but somehow Police in Russia or China better than US when do their job

  • Marvin Gershowitz 2 years ago

    Dear Bill,
    ….. A little is a lot when you have no hope.

    – m.

  • xxsipanxx 2 years ago

    I applaud the effort, but at this point in time, nothing is funny when this country is really close to losing it all, and I mean EVERYTHING.

  • George Christian 2 years ago

    Does this guy even have a passing acquaintance with the constitution, the phrase “shall not be infringed.” And why the framers of the constitution put the Bill of Rights into the constitution.

  • Jason Carney 2 years ago

    Two minute monologue? A bunch of writers must be on vacation.

  • Jeffry Phillips Burns 2 years ago

    Maher the handgun owner treads delicately here, thus managing to both miss the point and not be slightest bit funny.

  • Aywol 2 years ago

    Nothing like a drug addict trying to be funny……still. Love Allison

  • Western Australia Now and Then 2 years ago

    Want to know how to fix your gun problems? It will involve republican politicians and being on the wrong end of a gun…

  • 45von 2 years ago

    When your defense stands outside for over an hour and a half doing nothing, the shooter could have been using a muzzle loading rifle, he would not have needed an AR or high capacity magazines.

  • tenacious645 2 years ago

    The deadliest school shooting in America was done with 2 handguns…banning rifles is 100% political and will do NOTHING to solve the problem. You’re either for banning all guns, banning NO guns, too stupid to understand the issue, or full of shit. Those are the options.

  • Troy Dalpiaz 2 years ago

    Funny as fuck.from Australia

  • M J Kay 2 years ago

    the republicans love live targets they need kids

  • bbird a12 2 years ago

    I tell you what, good guys with guns have a very poor track record. There were plenty of guns at the Harvest Festival in Vegas, nope. 19 cops walking around the school in Uvalde with their thumbs up their butts, nope. They even perform badly in baseball statistics, they are batting 1 for 100 this year, after that lady in West Virginia shot the guy coming to shoot up her party. Good thing for the NRA, without her they wouldn’t have a leg to stand on.

  • Poet Tramp 2 years ago

    Anyone notice the guy laughing REAL hard has been there a couple of times now? Bill’s leaning so much towards the right nowadays it feels like he’s just paying people to come to his taping.

  • Kelley Moore 2 years ago

    Hollywood actors have actually said they make more money in shoot-em-up movies than those without gun violence, so their hypocritical selves promote gun violence in their movies, demand armed security while demanding the rest of us give up guns.


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