Would You Let AI Represent You In Court?

Published on March 15, 2023

ChatGPT 4 has a 90% chance of passing the bar exam.

#Colbert #Comedy #ColdOpens

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  • Stephen james 1 year ago

    Yes, there is a secret as well.

  • Freelance Life 1 year ago

    Damn that was weak!

  • Pandorae Eris 1 year ago

    I, for one, welcome our lawyer robotic overlords.

  • GreenMage 1 year ago

    you guys really missed out on something great… you should have gotten a vocaloid to sing the jingle at the end.

  • Robert Smith 1 year ago

    A.I. = Gen Z is Doomed.

  • M_____ M_____ satoshi 1 year ago

    Gpt 4 if it’s still under Blockchain self learning machine yes if not no

  • WraithAllen 1 year ago

    Merely passing the bar indicates nothing of how good or bad a lawyer will be. It just establishes a standard floor of knowledge necessary to practice within a jurisdiction. Any AI tool paired with an actual, practicing lawyer will likely be superior to any AI system alone for all but the most routine tasks such a preparing a will or articles of incorporation or other “boiler-plate” sorts of legal filings. Devising a legal strategy or presenting arguments in court is another matter entirely and, as things currently stand, only humans are allowed to do the latter and even more mundane tasks are legislatively mandated to be done by a practicing human lawyer who passed the bar. Law automation has existed for awhile now, and AI will just be another tool to facilitate the routine work and speed up things like research, document preparation, and such….

  • Zenn Exile 1 year ago

    Imagine thinking that passing the bar was impressive? It’s a financial and regulatory hurdle meant to prevent the lower class from achieving legal power. If you graduated highschool you should have no trouble passing the bar.

  • Alien Onion 1 year ago

    Just think of the possibilities… An AI judge…. And hey, I would have been better off raised by an AI mom.

  • New Message 1 year ago

    If anything convinces the robots to kill us all, it’ll be showing it how many lawsuits we’ve had over manufacturers not putting a ‘do not insert in any body cavity’ warning on the box.

  • Cybr Friends 1 year ago

    Lawyers: “A robot working as a lawyer? that is dumb”
    Also Lawyers: “If you dare to use that robot lawyer, you will get jail time”

  • Earl McCay 1 year ago

    HAHA jokes on you that you laugh at the future. This won’t age well.

  • ygbgforever 1 year ago

    If only the end of humanity would be this funny

  • JGAB1618 1 year ago

    I would highly consider it

  • Maxmartin 1 year ago

    Don’t tell Trump about this. He may end up with a really good lawyer instead of the clownshow of human attorneys he has now.

  • Leanne Vande Kew 1 year ago

    I requested a biography of Hillary Clinton from ChatGPT.
    It wrote that Hillary Clinton was the 45th president of the United States.


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