Ronny Chieng Roasts All Things Money in America: WTF? | The Daily Show

Published on April 19, 2022

Ronny Chieng roasts tax season, tipping practices, and America’s lack of variation in physical currency in the latest edition of America: WTF? #DailyShow




  • Dondaileyii 2 years ago

    Scissor seven!

  • Jeio 2 years ago

    America really needs to step up their game, here in the Philippines, a lot people will want you to be president even if you don’t pay tax.

  • GeeJay 2 years ago

    I feel you Ronny, coming from a Nigerian living in America, I feel you

  • Ec09 2 years ago

    Yes, so on point with tipping. There are many businesses (restaurants especially) that automatically deduct an extra percentage of your bill as tip. Since when did tipping become obligatory? Leave it to countries like the US of A to create ways to tax your taxes smh.

  • J 2 years ago

    about the only thing i LIKE about our money is that its the same size. it makes it easy to store. But all thats out the window because physical currency is dumb. easy to lose and destroy (especially our paper/fabric hybrid here) and you have to carry around different types.

    just let me pay the lemonade stand down the street on Venmo

  • Martha Villegas 2 years ago

    I love Ronny, the irreverent Ronny.

  • Navier Ma’s Channel 🔮👻 2 years ago

    The size of the bills for the blind is actually poignant. How do the blind figure out their bills in the United States? I know some fold the corners but a swindler can easily unfold or mess with that and say “whoops, you gave me the wrong bill”.

  • Tiger Lily 2 years ago

    Some More News (YouTube channel) just did an excellent video on the IRS. It should be required viewing in school it’s so in depth and educational.

  • DarkWolfGaming 2 years ago

    This is why i plan on going to canada. america just ain’t the same.

  • Gary Giles 2 years ago

    His voice sound so similar to a character on Scissor Seven

  • Suen Zhong 2 years ago

    Never thought Malaysia would be more advanced in taxation methods and currency design than the USA (the value of our money is still terrible though lol).

  • Aquamarine325 2 years ago

    Yes, tipping should stop. Liveable hourly wage.

  • Joseph Gitau 2 years ago

    The American Dollar, the real cancer to world peace.

  • Miguel Palacios 2 years ago

    Do something instead of complain!

  • Daniel Rodriguez 2 years ago

    USA the land of disfunctional systems that always end up benefiting the rich


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