New Rule: I Want My Lawyer! | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

Published on June 24, 2022

Voters want someone to fight for them – and if Democrats won’t do it, they’ll find new “representation.”

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  • M Roth 2 years ago

    Always hits the nail on the head!

  • Heiner Heiner 2 years ago

    #heiner`s comments
    Satire strongly thrives on emphasizing existing realities. It`s always a sign of urgent faults in society, when the acting humorist does not even need to exaggerate or emphasize real circumstances, to get his reward of authentic loud laughter.
    US societie`s realities are an ocean of ridiculousness and LETHAL paradoxons.
    Remember the nature law of “SIX L”: Loud Laughing Lethargic Lemmings Lose Life !!

  • what the flying fuck ... 2 years ago

    what about founding a sane party

  • AnvilMAn603 2 years ago

    inb4 they start calling bill maher alt-right

  • Tomo Angkriwan 2 years ago

    Makes sense on everything except Israel.

  • Quill 2 years ago

    I heard Pierce Morgan say something rational today and was instantly amazed as that does not happen. Here we are now, Bill Maher saying rational things. What the hell is going on here? Has The Left gone so far Left that Pierce Morgan and Bill Maher now come across as Conservative? This day and age is absolutely mind blowing to me.

  • ARMONI555 2 years ago

    its funny,… it sounds like to me bill maher is shifting to be a republican ….he spends the whole time talking shit about democrats on a liberal show . with friends like that who needs enemies

  • leroy the master 2 years ago

    I got tons of ballots in the last election cycle.
    How many of them can I use if it happens again?

  • music authority 2 years ago

    Everyone needs an Advocate that will put them at the top of their priority list. but unfortunately here in the real world that doesn’t always happen it’s sad but true. a good good attorney is one that can make a jury believe beyond a shadow of a doubt. that their client is innocent when they are actually guilty as fuck it’s all about persuasion.

  • Woody Woodchipper 2 years ago

    I want the Jan. 6 committee to do what’s needed to stop Trump from running again. And then I want to watch you all get rekt by Ron DeSantis.

  • Sue Smith 2 years ago

    It was a struggle for people to applaud for this New Rules.

  • Lyn777 2 years ago

    Hey Bill, When you gonna switch to Republican?

  • Phil Lanager 2 years ago

    I’ve never heard anyone using Latinx except for people like Bill complaining about it. He sounds more and more like an old fuddy duddy these days.

  • SomethingSomething 2 years ago

    “And then there’s abortion. A difficult issue for Democrats to lose on….but they’re trying” Jesus, how prophetic was he with this one??

  • No- No 2 years ago

    Remember the trucker convoy? Or CRT? “save the children”. “I’m gonna build a wall! and make Mexico pay for it!” dumbest people on the planet


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