Ms. Worldwide: America’s Paid Parental Leave VS. The Rest of the World

Published on December 3, 2021

Ms. Worldwide (the alter ego of correspondent Amy Hoggart) is here to take a look at how America does things from a global perspective––even if she’s not the best at using globes. In this episode, she looks at what parental leave policies are like here and abroad. How do US policies stack up with England, Italy, and Russia? Watch the video or have a child in all four to find out!




  • pom 2 years ago

    I don’t see the argument to delegate to private sector parental leave. I mean for medicare & Co, I may “eventually” (big quote) understand why, but for parental leave ? What are the arguments from people against it ?

  • Luni Foxo 2 years ago

    Ha! You guys get paid for raising a child?
    Were crushing it on hard mode with 2 jobs, a Twitch stream AND an Onlyfans with no leave until you die.

  • Glenn Welsh 2 years ago

    Americans have long been brainwashed with fear and blind patriotism, the notion that America is the greatest country in the world and everywhere else is inferior, and that any policy change inspired by other nations will inexorably lead to the collapse of American democracy. “USA! USA! USA!” Unfortunately, this causes a great number of its citizens to reject or ignore social policies in other nations that are in actuality more beneficial to its citizens than the ones used (or in some cases, non-existent) in the United States. Of course, people with power in the U.S. (elected officials, wealthy corporations, the rich elite) whom have benefited and profited from the American status quo don’t want to risk losing their cherished wealth, power, and influence, so they will stoke fears and anxieties against adopting similar policies by hammering the American people with scary buzzwords like “COMMUNISM!” and “SOCIALISM” (conveniently ignoring that such policies have been successfully utilized in most of our Democratic allies without any creeping threat of a Socialist or Communist government takeover) or by appealing to their indiviual selfishness by emphasizing that such policies will need to be paid for through their taxes (“Why would I want my tax dollars to go toward someone else’s paid maternity leave, healthcare, etc.?”). Through these tactics, Americans end up stubbornly rejecting policies that are ultimately in their best interest.

  • Kevin B Willson 2 years ago

    Once again you are right on right on

  • L. A. Gothro 2 years ago

    @New Message, you took the concept right out of my head!

  • Jeffery Lewis 2 years ago

    Alo comrade

  • patricia campbell 2 years ago

    Look north, paid leave for both parents, for at least 3 decades, US is a backward country, in spite of the rah rah propaganda

  • Robin Gladstone-Tseten 2 years ago

    I’ve been back in the states after living in two other countries. One, a developing country. America is not great…at all. I personally can’t wait to move out for good.

  • Jon Bauml 2 years ago

    Amy should be called “Queen Midas” because everything she does is pure gold

  • R W 2 years ago

    LOL.. If you can’t trust a corporation to look after you well being, who can you trust??

  • Flame Beats 2 years ago

    America doesn’t have maternity leave because they want women to quit and leave the workplace.

  • Go cuk 2 years ago

    Since you did this Scotland-Trump-bid, i’m in love Amy 😉

  • ktinxx 2 years ago

    Parental leave, universal pre-k, minimum wage, pro choice law, universal health care system – Germany has it all. As have most European countries. But then, we also have more female politicians. And no Republican Party to mess with civil society and basic human rights.


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