New Rule: Your Phone is Turning You into an Asshole | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)



  • ThE DuCk 3 years ago

    I-Phones have become an additional human appendage

  • @MericanMadeSoldier 3 years ago

    Phuck phones buy a gun, it will protect you

  • Wil Castle 3 years ago

    You can carry your phone anywhere anytime but you couldn’t do it with a TV, or a house phone. People have it in front of their face often.

  • Dan Bouchard 3 years ago

    Easy to fix this problem, move to a poor country.No girl is texting while making love.Oh That is right making love is illegal in usa.Killing somebody is no problem.
    The dystopian future is easy to see.

  • MaskedMarvyl 3 years ago

    I have a friend who is addicted to texting on her phone to the point where when she was out with her girlfriend who was about to go on a trip, she ignored her the entire dinner while she texted. Her girlfriend sat there silently while my friend ignored her the entire meal. Then, when dinner was finished and my friend paid for it, she said “well, aren’t you going to thank me for buying dinner??”
    I almost told her what a selfish asshole she was when she did that. Instead, I told her later diplomatically when we were alone and she was mystified that her girlfriend was grateful for dinner, that she should have put the phone away and paid attention to her girlfriend before her trip, and that she would have appreciated that a lot more than dinner. My friend looked shocked at hearing such a concept.

    I was wrong. I should have called my friend a selfish asshole, and that she didn’t deserve to have a girlfriend if she was going to act like that. I regret that I wasn’t more confrontational with her.

  • chad humbert 3 years ago

    What’s your excuse for being a republican asshole, Bill?

  • Dustin Blair 3 years ago

    Jeez I hate the studio audiences that Bill gets. They are always kiss asses and laugh at the most inappropriate times, most of the times.

    But anyways another great take by Bill here. I sadly was one of those social media users and I at one time had a little bit of those behaviors in me… it can ruin you , even in just normal every day things.

  • Brad West 3 years ago

    Can’t stand his audience. Low resolution thinking with his audience, and it’s so fucking annoying. I wish them luck

  • Garth 3 years ago

    No FB , No Twitter, No Insty, No Snap Chat, No TikTok. I have none and I never will. But then again I’m 46.

  • Ganiscol 3 years ago

    Whatever it takes to protect children from abuse is fine. You dont like it? Dont use their cloud service, use another one.
    There is no argument to be made here, its about child protection!

  • Tim's Foyle 3 years ago

    Watching this on my phone, feeling torn

  • Webbie 3 years ago

    I’m more into computers cause I have better control of what the software on them is monitoring. I never walk around with a cell phone, just use them if I have to in emergency or deposit a check if can’t get to a bank machine.

    You gotta be insane to actually put you’re whole life into them. The whole device has software filled with backdoors. Everything you say and do can be accessed by the creator of the phone or the chinese companies that make the components in them.

  • Иван Псайко 3 years ago

    Bill started with a good point about privacy, and then devolved into a useless rant. There might be sooome truth to it but it is also virtually indistinguishable from old man cursing at a technology.


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