Monologue: The Beginning of the End | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

Published on October 8, 2021

Bill recaps the top stories of the week, including the Great Facebook Outage of 2021 and a U.S. senator’s bathroom encounter with progressive protestors.

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  • Stefan Mironov 3 years ago

    I knew my meme would go viral ^ ^

  • Carm D 3 years ago

    Does anyone remember when nobody ever bitched about MySpace?

  • Mike B. 3 years ago

    “this state” yet 2 weeks ago Bill was sucking off Newsom and how great of a Governor he is. Who does Bill think has been in charge of the state he keeps complaining about? At some point you become complicit when you’re propping up the failed status quo.

  • Dizzythumbs 3 years ago

    Get a new audience Bill

  • TheViewFromUpHere 3 years ago

    Speaking of penises, Joe Manchin services his owner donors and ignores the 70% of his constituents who want the $350T paid for infrastructure bill passed.

  • dpaul89 3 years ago

    Is it me, or is one of Bill’s eyebrows bigger than the other?

  • Kurt Riker 3 years ago

    The debt is more than 28.8 T dollars. No one talks about it on Facebook.

  • mohamad rahgoshay 3 years ago


  • Myles Gmail 3 years ago

    I was essentially forced to b vaxxed yesterday bc I need to work. My shoulder is still hurting n I do not want a booster!

  • Dan Edwards 3 years ago

    So Bill is aware that Gen Z and Millennials mainly use Reddit, and that only Boomers actually care about FB these days, right?

    That Boomers make up the largest demographic of Q-Anon, Anti-Vaxxers ect ect.

    Because what do you expect from a generation that isn’t I.T. literate, has the highest number of psychiatric casualties due to chronic poly-substance abuse over decades, and an entertainment industry that repetitively told them that “they changed the world for the better,” (and yet blame the current zeitgeist on anyone else but themselves.)

  • Lee 3 years ago

    Stupid laugh track.. worse than Friends laugh/clap track..

  • Nik Garcia 3 years ago

    Biden/Dems promise to crush the virus it looks like the virus is crushing them, yet last year we didn’t know what we were dealing with had no masks, no meds, no vaccine & NO MANDATES. (no red states did) And the death toll has now surpass 2020. Very sad.
    Nice job Bill. Hey at least the adults are in charge, right Bill

  • SANITIZED, INC. 3 years ago

    Sad. Once-razor sharp, now intellectually lazy and out of touch. It would seem Bill’s understanding of having “skin in the game” is by giving Barry a million. Dude, cash out, man. You’ve completely lost touch with the people. You remind of a boxer that should have hung up the gloves three fights ago. You’re punch drunk and your bank account is a shield that protects you from understanding the true struggle of working Americans in 2021. Sad, man.

  • Cris Chamberlain 3 years ago

    Well the restroom is Sinemas go to place to deflect from real voters. Way to go Bill. I’d say it might of been better to wait outside but she might of jumped out a window. She really doesn’t like answering questions.

  • CJ Martin 3 years ago

    Fast tracked vaccine by pharmaceutical companies trying to win the vaccine lottery. No one knows the long term effects of this “flu shot” vaccine. I had one coworker die from a brain aneurysm and another get DVT. Both young and “fully vaccinated”. The numbers go down by the elite that pushed the vaccine to fund the pharmaceutical juggernaut. Wake up people.


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