Sign Ronny up #shorts



  • pauliewallnuttz 2 years ago


  • Badr A 2 years ago

    Tax the rich

  • Lynn Rolaf 2 years ago

    Why do conservatives act like these aren’t programs they need and want too? I don’t recall hearing about a single Republican voter, who received the COVID-19 assistance checks, and return the money. So stop pretending that you aren’t wanting to stop paying $1200.00 a month in medical premiums for you & your family and simply pay 2% more a year in taxes, which will pay for a single payer medical system!!! Just STOP and THINK about the goal of the Republican Party. They want ZERO controls over business (so they can steal, pollute, not pay a living wage, and…) Not tax corporations who use more of the Government Resources than anyone else. And who want YOU the individual to pay for everything with YOUR tax dollars!! The used race in the past, now they are using poverty. If you don’t see yourself as poor, then you don’t vote with the poor. But you aren’t in the 1%, so you ARE part of the POOR, according to them, The Republican Leadership. If you haven’t already figured this out, then you are delusional and will end up with nothing one day. Stop voting against your own self interests!!!!

  • Adrian Duran 2 years ago

    Is any of this really free if it’s paid for with taxes and we all pay taxes?

  • Shadow Realm 2 years ago

    Wouldn’t it be nice

  • I'm right you're wrong 2 years ago

    Espionage or infiltration,..

  • MrUnseen 2 years ago

    Conservatives threatening us with a great time

  • Mojo 2 years ago

    I’d love all that too, sign me up.

  • MLG GAMER 2 years ago

    I mean there’s nothing much to say here. Ronnie is right. I would have the same reaction

  • Mark G 2 years ago

    I love how everything he says is exactly the stuff we want and we need


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