Is AI Ruining the Creative Process? – Long Story Short | The Daily Show

Published on November 9, 2023

Chat-GPT is on track to make a billion dollars this year, which is great for them, but not so great for the artists whose work is being used without their credit, consent, or payment. Sarah Silverman digs into why many artists, herself included, are suing AI companies in this #LongStoryShort. #DailyShow #SarahSilverman



  • Khaled Adeeb 6 months ago

    Sarah Silverman is a hilarious comedian who openly supports genocide. Pass it on.

  • Mason Kimberling 6 months ago

    If I create a statue of Sarah Silverman and display it in my yard for the world to see, post pictures of it on the internet, never collect a dime from the existence of the statue, that is perfectly legal and no one is hurt.
    If I sold statues of Sarah Silverman without her permission and with no artistic contribution whatsoever, just making money from someone else’s work and reputation, that is illegal because I’m a doucebag.
    If I was commissioned to create a statue of Sarah Silverman symbolically slaying an AI demon, that would be art and it’s perfectly legal and doesn’t necessarily require any permission or compensation, but consideration is always important and credit given is credit received.

  • Marinko Marinko 6 months ago

    Artists can eat 💩

  • Jonno 6 months ago

    I’m taking multiple hard science classes in college, I literally worship ChatGPT

  • Eye See You 6 months ago

    Once again…its all aboot money. Greedy, already rich, wanting more. Jocks dont like it when the geeks strike back 20 years after HS.

  • sleze 6 months ago

    At 3:24 you basically described the process that humans use to create, building on the work of others. It is just as derivative as your comedy.

  • Cancun771 6 months ago

    The only ones who will survive the impact of AI on the workplace and job market will be the ones who know how to use it.

  • OnTheNerdySide 6 months ago

    Based on the rest of the piece, I hope Chumbawamba got paid handsomely for Sarah quoting them at the end there, just as she wants to be compensated for the AI being trained on her book.

  • Charlie Walker 6 months ago

    Everyone’s already saying it. MAKE SARAH THE PERMANENT HOST! She is fun, we love her, just doooo it!

  • Jay Gatsby 6 months ago

    Sarah joined the MIB

  • Oleo Toleo 6 months ago

    Factory Workers have lost their Jobs too, because machines work better. Now the comedian workers will loose their jobs. 🤣

  • wamp79 6 months ago

    we all read/look at/extract and employ ideas from published art, be it word or pictures. If an artist wants their ideas to be only theirs, don’t publish the work! Same copyright laws apply, so what’s the problem? Don’t put it on the internet if u don’t want others using it to inspire their own creative processes! (…it’s just about jealousy and money. …it ain’t about the art.)

  • Angel Matos 6 months ago

    Let’s see…………does laziness affect hard work?…………YES!

  • Ian Cowan 6 months ago

    We got chumbawamba’d!

  • Mahmoud Zhiri 6 months ago


  • Lizardguy NA 6 months ago

    So what’s the actual use for AI anyway?

  • BryInThe619 6 months ago

    Long Story Really Short: Pay Up Mofos.

  • Thomas Taylor 6 months ago

    Beta Cucks – lol 5:30

  • Grant Holcomb 6 months ago

    So it sounds like you guys wanting reparations.

  • Audio Artisan 6 months ago

    Sarah, I’ve been spoiled. If you leave this show, I might not laugh again. You have a special talent. Let’s keep it here!


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