DeSantis Owns The Libs By Making Them Look Compassionate | Biden Doesn’t Joke Around

Published on September 15, 2022

Florida officials lied to the migrants who were flown to Martha’s Vineyard in an attempt to make a point about America’s immigration policies, and President Biden isn’t kidding around when he talks about his support for labor unions. #Colbert #Comedy #Monologue

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  • eric sanchez 2 years ago

    Pego or m dalo

  • john murch 2 years ago

    “Gotta stay hyyydrated”. Nice!

  • Rumple-chan 2 years ago

    DeathSentence could be charged for human trafficking? Even if they’re essentially being sent over to an awesome place that’ll treat them with better respect than how he’s been treated his Floridian constituents during the pandemic? I might wanna look up that law (and see if I can find a translation from legalese to explain-like-I’m-five layman’s terms).

  • Paul J Cross 2 years ago

    MAGA politics are a disgrace

  • BlackEyedGhost 2 years ago

    All you have to do to make a joke these days is show unedited clips of Republican news sources. It’s wild.

  • moonbladem 2 years ago

    Looks like I need to stay hydrated too!

    Thank you… you made me laugh like a loony with that one!

  • Cuong Au 2 years ago

    Please send more to the island

  • Kevin Bogert 2 years ago

    Colbert is a democrat stooge

  • The Duder 2 years ago

    If the president if forced to get involved because of how you treat your employees, just know that you are pure feces of an employer and truly deserve a full on strike that costs you millions upon millions in profit daily.
    Scum, abusive and disrespectful employers, your days are actively being numbered. There will soon be a day when corporate losers will be the ones without job security. They will be the ones having to manufacture their own shit.
    And when that day arrives, everyone will know that ALL companies are entirely useless without those who do the actual work who are treated as slaves by the very scum who are entirely unable to manufacture any of the garbage they profit from.

  • Julie St. John 2 years ago

    LOL! I laughed out loud a lot during this monologue.

  • Righteous Boomer Booshcraft 2 years ago

    “Thank you Mr. President, nice of you to notice” would be more in line with the Colbert brand of modesty.

  • eric sanchez 2 years ago

    JUT dd Ossl trile intell viclecikenmielicz ez surez sur w ane ecoth JUT dd Osslmieliczecoth JUT dd Ossldd Ossl trileJUT dd Ossl trile intell vicleciken

  • Carlo Ferraro 2 years ago

    In the end people end up having the governments they deserve, everywhere……


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