Russia Drops Bombs Near Polish Border While Putin Asks China For Help | The Daily Show

Published on March 14, 2022

Russia threatens NATO by bombing a Ukrainian military base near Poland, Putin asks for support from China, and Russian influencers sob over losing Instagram access. #DailyShow



  • Nicholas Blakiston 2 years ago

    The answer is to remove government sanctions and trade restrictions, to withdraw from Europe, and to follow the rest of the plan I outline in my book to transition our society to a free one.

  • KYLOROKX 2 years ago

    Im against Russian invasion but if NATO sending weapons to Ukraine. Its like telling the enemy that you are also their enemy! Let Ukraine deal with its problem if you don’t want to start world war 3!

  • Mike Resse 2 years ago

    Only five countries backed out I’m surprised African they left your kids there to

  • dave lee 2 years ago

    they also ran out of fighting men they have to hire outsiders i cant understand that

  • willie machuka 2 years ago

    The propaganda in this show smh

  • Janet Malcolm 2 years ago

    No way! China should NOT in anyway support Putin. It will be the end of the world. This war has to stop. If it is the end of Putin’s regime, then it shall be so. Please just have more diplomatic talks. It’s escalating so fast.

  • Saszka 2 years ago

    Poland is not only a NATO-ally, but it’s also a NATO member. NATO ally is Israel for example, but not a member.

  • iv 2 years ago

    China makes everything – owed by everyone, goodluck sanctioning them. As for Russia this is getting embarrassing – this was supposed to be piece of cake

  • Mike Resse 2 years ago

    If he uses his nukes and they do not make it out of his own country you know

  • Bruno White 2 years ago

    I belive putin trying to turn Ukraine into no mans land. If you destroy the city keep it under threat there will be no goverment or rebuilding.

  • rtysk 2 years ago

    It’s America, who create conflicts

  • John Wirchnianski 2 years ago

    Ukraine needs to go into Russian State Capitol and attack!

  • Edwards L 2 years ago

    We all know that lady is brave, but what are you going to do about it? Instead of saying she is brave, we should find out who she really is and make sure her safety is top priority by becoming active on social media demanding her safety. The world needs heroes like her, and the least we can do is make Putin know that the world is watching over his shoulders to what happens to this brave women. Enough is enough and dictators around the world should be held accountable to their actions.


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