The Women Vital to Ukraine’s Resistance | The Daily Show

Published on March 9, 2022

From joining the front lines to creating combat gear, Ukrainian women have proven to be a vital part of the country’s resistance. #DailyShow




  • laalaa99stl 2 years ago

    MADD: Mothers Against Deranged Dictators.

  • AJ JSS 2 years ago

    It’s not fair for men to be required to stay and fight while women can escape the country. If we really believe in gender equality, it should be voluntary and not mandatory for both sexes. I also understand that from a reproductive perspective, men are disposable cuz one man is enough to impregnate a lot of women but if a population loses its females, it would be in danger of extinction. But this is a purely objective and inhumane way of looking at things. Men’s lives are as worthy as women’s.

  • Ruler Chop 2 years ago

    I kind of feel bad for pointing this out, but you know rule 34 of the internet. Well there’s another rule, if it exists it will be somewhere on the internet. That being said maybe we shouldn’t make it so easy for people to look up how to make homemade weapons.

  • musab gener 2 years ago


  • Bloodline Heart 2 years ago


  • Lebo Gang Bang Z 2 years ago


  • MLG GAMER 2 years ago

    I’m so proud of these women. Especially now with international women’s month these are just people who are showing us that resilience does show a lot in women

  • Lex Ruptor 2 years ago

    LOL no. There are no wonen on the front lines. In fact, women were allowed to leave while men were forced to stay. It’s pretty sexist. Then to even say they’re on the front lines, men are DYING so you can joke about women, all of whom got to pretty much leave and go play soldier. Despicable.

  • Chabernack 2 years ago

    Wow. Thats probably under 1per cent of the ukrainien troops. Where went equality…? Men can t leave… ah alright there we go again ^^

  • Kostadin Filev 2 years ago

    Now let me tell you something, as soon as the women start hearing the bullets flying around, they’ll be making sandwiches for the russians… Enough with that propaganda

  • Yacqub Yacqub 2 years ago

    the European are Giving to Russia every month $15B Imagine that and they are saying where are cutting all relationships with us

  • Jofred Clever 2 years ago

    I salute Ukrainian women


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