Crazy Shipping Delays & Microchip Shortages Make Holiday Shopping Suck | The Daily Show



  • Haywood Jablohmi 3 years ago

    Can we get a hoodie under the sport coat at least?

  • Quinton chapman 3 years ago

    2021 we got the Vaccine but there not enough computer chips

  • sumerbc 3 years ago

    he’s just not funny at all.. but i’m sure you people think he is.

  • Michel 3 years ago

    Just imagine what would happen if we made the chips in this country.
    We could also get over the idea that we have to get things that we really don’t need.
    Why is Dejoy still in charge of the USPO?

  • Fourth Prince 10 3 years ago

    The chips! This is why right to repair is so important

  • StarSpangledKiwi 3 years ago

    “Guys there is a chip shortage!”
    Me, crying because I’m on a 2 year long waiting list for a graphics card.
    “I KNOW!”

  • sumerbc 3 years ago

    Trump never had shipping problems under covid.. only Biden and the Dems are responsible for this.

  • Isaac's mom 3 years ago

    home depot!! hysterical

  • Red Rabbitt 3 years ago

    Yeahh…..COVIDs gonna cost ALOT of money it would interesting to see what conversations the G7 had to stabilize this debacle. We probably haven’t seen the full recoil yet.

  • Tigerlilly 3 years ago

    I am just disappointed….be glad you’re freaking alive

  • Sleeping Hill 3 years ago

    Go spend all your money so Bezos and company can fly to space while we starve and die from Covid20

  • mangana215 3 years ago

    In five years from now we’ll start shopping in February

  • Kim Morse 3 years ago

    Use your talents and make or craft gifts. My dad was a carpenter and for Christmas. Dad made his 3 daughters a cradle and high chair each for our dolls. My mother/ mother in law made knitted sweater,quilts, and jackets. Now that I am in my 60s and they passed you treasure it more because it was made with love and not the latest gadget everyone wants. Put your talents to work.

  • sumerbc 3 years ago

    Trevor pay your “FAIR SHARE” of taxes ! You fought for Joe Biden election 2020 and now you have it. ha enjoy paying highest taxes ever in America.. say bye bye to your income.


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