Meanwhile… Disco Bathroom | Kid Stuck In The Claw Game | Transatlantic Pot Bust

Published on February 6, 2024

Meanwhile… A store in Kentucky has the world’s grooviest bathroom, an Australian toddler got stuck in the claw game at an arcade, and a pair of cruise passengers were arrested after trying to sail to England with 112 bags of marijuana.

#Colbert #Comedy #Meanwhile

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  • @davidste2662 3 months ago

    Colbert, that’s not how we pronounce glass. Nice try with the accent though.

  • @michaelfrench3396 3 months ago

    Taylor Thompson is one of my favorite standups. And a lot of the guests on her show are also amazing. Can we all admit that that show is not working though? God love her. She tries but it’s not the right format for network TV. Nobody can curse or say anything off color. Taylor, looks incredibly nervous all the time and she’s just seems awkward because I feel the comedians want to say what they want to say but she can only say what the network says she’s allowed to say. And then there’s the dumping 20 videos into your YouTube feed every morning for no reason. You know videos that could be maybe two or three longer videos but instead they break it up into 20, three or four minute videos.

  • @TheMulToyVerse 3 months ago


    Reminds me of a WWE segment where Kane is at an arcade for some reason and sees a kid struggle to win from a claw game… he just punches the “glass” and grabs a bunch of stuff from it and hands it to the kid

    Obviously the “glass” of the claw machine was rigged… just like the claw machine

  • @aggy5372 3 months ago

    Actually, cricket flour may be the protein of the future. It makes baked goods taste like peanut butter, I think.

  • @lynnbrown9017 3 months ago

    It’s the Grinch.

  • @kietsuhime 3 months ago

    Those aren’t coffins. They’re caskets. Coffins have 6 sides

  • @croatoan5893 3 months ago

    Cricket protein flour now, cockroach protein bars next.

  • @RubenzitoDmigodz777 3 months ago

    Loved the Menu Items descriptionale SIr…

  • @Kane0123 3 months ago

    Classic throwback to the queasy waiters skit

  • @markdowse3572 3 months ago

    Smuggling an apple into prison? That’s dedication… 🤣

    M 🦘🏏😎

  • @yurielcundangan9090 3 months ago

    Meanwhile does entertain

  • @yurielcundangan9090 3 months ago

    Gotta love Colbert. He got guts

  • @merissaj4518 3 months ago

    There is an allowable limit of insect matter in most foods, so we’ve probably already eaten cricket flour.

  • @Charge0Complete 3 months ago


  • @LocoCoyote 3 months ago

    Hey! Cricket flour is awesome. It has a light nutty flavor. Makes a great bread.

  • @luqeprisecaru8507 3 months ago

    lel the toddler won a prize 🙂

  • @mmgbtv 3 months ago

    These meanwhile intros are getting redundant

  • @Cinnamon_Coffee 3 months ago

    The Senator spoke intelligencently.

  • @AW-vi3df 3 months ago

    4:06 why is it that nobody is upset by this? That people are still being arrested for marijuana possession….. the war on drugs must end. People who have committed no crime– people who have not destroyed or harmed person or property– should not be in a cage with people who have. Putting people in prison for the medication they use is criminal in itself. The war on drugs laws of ironclad prohibition are unconstitutional and are just as criminal as the anti-abortion laws being enforced across the nation

    #EndTheWarOnDrugs Because it was never a war on drugs. It has always been a war on people and specifically the people who use drugs or need those drugs in order to function and survive in this world. Somebody has marijuana on them? So what? Get a damn life.
    #StopCriminalizingMentalIllness And get people the Health Care and Help they need. Until then the homeless crisis, and the mental health emergency we are in are only going to get worse. War on drugs was an utter and total failure that has destroyed countless lives, and has resulted in an alarming rise in suicides and overdoses, more new drug addicts, the people who need those drugs going to prison, chronic pain patients unable to get their medication, the militarization of our police and corruption at all levels of leasing and law enforcement, as well as dumping billions of taxpayer dollars just to imprison, innocent law abiding citizens, creating a thriving black market because people can’t get the drugs they need when they need them, creating a serious homelessness crisis, untreated mental health problems and untreated drug problems, Joblessness due to unnecessary drug testing and false imprisonment, and funding private prisons and cartels. Instead of giving Americans housing and Health Care, we are throwing away their lives and destroying their futures.

    These laws harm our children. Dave turned law abiding citizens into criminals overnight, and it has stayed that way for over 53 years. Stop the madness and stop the stigma. End the war on drugs. Make this nightmare end. ❤


  • @zuralani1 3 months ago

    I’ve eaten sour cream and onion crickets, i’d definitely give cricket flour a chance


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