Jon Stewart On Vaccine Science And The Wuhan Lab Theory

Published on June 15, 2021

We’re back in the Ed Sullivan Theater and it’s only right that Stephen’s first guest is none other than friend of the show, Jon Stewart. What did they talk about? The pandemic, obviously. #Colbert #TheLateShow #JonStewart

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  • Beufis 3 years ago

    Quarantine hasn’t been good on Jon lol

  • thebuccaneersden 3 years ago

    I agree and laugh with everything Jon says, but what really hasn’t been addressed is the underlying socio/political system of the CCP that causes sinkholes to swallow people alive, for tall apartment buildings to collapse, for people to get sucked into escalators, etc and for viruses to leak from labs. China is trying so hard to catch up with the west that they are cutting every corner and the conditions imposed on them by the CCP is creating an environment where they have to succeed regardless of the risks… and here we are now. This really should be the talking point.

  • pmor4272 3 years ago

    This is like Jon has been alone and ranting and now he has an audience lol

  • Kids Future 3 years ago

    Yes, just like the ‘Lyme’ disease, that started in USA, in the town of ‘Lyme’… which has a biolab close by – Plum Island, which the usa took nazi scientists to after ww2. I’ve been warning about a pandemic since I was in med school 30 years ago, there are many many labs in USA doing dangerous science, and having leaks… even sending stuff in the mail… USA also funded dangerous research at Wuhan.

  • JessGoWithIt 3 years ago

    Um. As much as I despise Donald Trump, someone explain the nuance of calling this the Wuhan lab vs Wuhan flu or China virus? Or is it as simple as saying this was potentially a result of negligence by the Chinese and had Americans…or the American President been more diplomatic, perhaps people would have taken it more seriously.

  • Dominic Kolb 3 years ago

    I wasn’t really following the lab theory in tell it came out that several lab members were sick with an unknown virus in November and it wasn’t acknowledged there was something bad out there until December. Suddenly I’m far more interested in the theory that a worked caught what they were playing with, spread it coworkers, who spread it in the hospital, and next you had a clueless public spreading it

  • Peter! 3 years ago

    Is the lab theory such a big deal in the US? Here in Germany we don’t really talk a lot about it because its irrelevant to the current situation

  • TOKYO ROGUE 3 years ago

    1:34…. well… i have a news for you, yes… you can get covid even if you are vaccineted.

  • Ziljan Vega 3 years ago

    Thank you Jon Stewart.


    Madman Jon Stewart and I agree he is right!

  • brett smith 3 years ago

    If Jon would ever get a new show happening, it would be ratings hit. One can but only hope!!

  • Space Force Commander, General Stabled Genius 3 years ago

    Unless the people in Texas eat wild meat like the people in Wuhan.

  • Fingolfin 3 years ago

    In our defense, our hand soap and face masks are a little better today than 1918…so there’s that.

  • Giovanni Itchee 3 years ago

    In some roundabout way, did Jon Stewart just agree with Trump, that it was made by scientists in a lab.


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