NY’s Race To Replace George Santos | Lara Trump For RNC Co-Chair? | Sweethearts For Situationships

Published on February 13, 2024

Snowy weather may have suppressed turnout in New York’s special election to replace Rep. George Santos, Donald Trump wants to install his daughter-in-law as co-chair of the RNC, and there are new candy hearts for people in unconventional relationships. #Colbert #Comedy #Monologue

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  • @Wildcat221 3 months ago

    Tommmmmmy boy wins! Huge win for dems

  • @roncantrell2836 3 months ago


  • @pejbartolo2365 3 months ago

    Lara Trump as Co-chair of the RNC is wonderful news. Please make it happen…………

  • @d.sullivan9718 3 months ago

    Laura Trump is as corrupt As Donald Trump…Yes Everyone Lets Keep It In the Crime Family…TRUMP.

  • @candymcmurdo01 3 months ago

    KC baby❤

  • @veritascurat5283 3 months ago

    Steve. Please stop talking/gesturing to your right. It feels rude since we never see to whom you’re gesturing. Stick with Louis on your left. Thank you.

  • @peggystern 3 months ago

    Nope, LI lady: she was saying Democracy done, like already done for, that ship has sailed, a done deal… she’s sayin what we’re all thinking….

  • @space.youtube 3 months ago


  • @Rockstar97321 3 months ago

    Silly humans: The same adgena goes though no matter who is in power.

  • @ekdaufin1485 3 months ago

    As long as he was worse yesterday! 🤦🏾‍♀️

  • @joeanon5788 3 months ago

    Democrat Tom Suozzi wins New York race

  • @alainpuma1212 3 months ago

    2:43 . People like that are the reason why I stopped being an organ donor

  • @mhoffman30 3 months ago

    Still waiting for Stephan to be funny…………

  • @johndoyle2347 3 months ago

    Abductive reasoning says that the numerous (thousands to millions to billions to trillions) arguments against the existence of any “god” or “gods” add up to the conclusion of nonexistence. Legal rights and freedoms only apply to real things! This means that no one has religious rights or religious freedoms. You can’t get something from nothing. Nothing = a “god” or “gods”. Something = religious rights or religious freedoms. We have education and laws dealing with sanity because sane, rational, constructive, critical thinking is vital. No room for “faithful”/delusional mistaken thinking when real problems are growing out of control.
    Myriad studies link religiosity to various forms of social malaise. Try to get some 1st Amendment quoting judge to argue that rights/freedoms can be based, without regard to real things, on nonexistent parties, such as a “god” or “gods”.
    Prayer is mathematically impossible. Communication of any sort, from all of history, is known to be only possible at finite/limited distances. All of calculus-related mathematics (and how the modern world has been engineered), requires that finite numbers (such as for distances) and linear infinity (directly implied by any Abrahamic “omnipresent god” that “exists” without a limiting wall/cage of some sort) cannot be equated, only related by transcendental numbers (or linear infinity can be used to find finite limits).
    “Man created in God’s image”: by the same thinking, man has a shape, an image, and is finite. The claimed “god” or “gods” from the major (Abrahamic) religions all require that it be omnipresent, without a limiting wall or cage, thus infinite in size/scope. This even more obviously shows an attempt to equate, not relate, finite things to claimed infinite things. Mathematically impossible.
    “Ultra”, from WWII, used broken codes, the element of surprise, and statistics (calculus based) to help win, with Allied troops thence dying both with necessity and needlessly. Truth could have ruined the Germans’ faith in the Christian Nazis, ending the war much quicker. Insurance companies’ bread and butter are calculus-based actuarial tables. Greedy insurance companies and legacy industries have blood on their hands! For example: people should heat their homes and cook with magnetic induction instead of another 80-some years of dangerous natural gas. Danger justifies premiums. And high premiums mean high profit margins.
    The Russians spent millions of lives fighting the Germans and the Axis powers. Now the Eastern Orthodox Christian Russians sit back and watch Shia Muslim vs. Sunni Muslim wars, terrorism, and many other forms of religious harm. Also: In the waning days of WWII, why couldn’t we have fired off warning shots, instead of bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Warning shots would likely have been more effective towards ending the war. Were we that worried about Japan having nuclear weapons already?
    Creationism is barred by the solution to the Basel problem (and its reciprocal) and the Riemann Zeta Function provable Law of Conservation of Mass – all closely related to Big Bounce theory and to our basic instinct of “object permanence”. Richard Dawkins and “The God Delusion” book. Bill Maher and the “Religulous” documentary. There are books dedicated to exposing the absolutist claims of the Abrahamic religions: claimed omnipotence, omniscience, omnibenevolence, and omnipresence. The internet is rife with valid arguments against any “god” or “gods” including many one-line or one-paragraph plaintive arguments. The Founding Fathers, especially Thomas Jefferson, rightly, roundly ridiculed the many inanities of religions, forging the U.S.A. to get away from the religious wars and their crippling expenses, in Europe.
    America fearfully reacted to the Nuclear Age with a Red Scare and Christian revivalist crap that has eroded our infrastructure, jailed many innocent people, spread fear and hate to every corner of society, turned the media into wanton liars, drugged the inner cities, contributed to planned obsolescence and unhappiness, created dangerous economic bubbles, turned our budgets into a Ponzi scheme for the military-industrial complex, wasted many resources, directly and indirectly fostered diseases, wars, and starvation throughout the developing world, and persecuted our best and brightest in sadistic and spooky ways. America has illegally silenced about a quarter of itself – the righteously outspoken ones. America has messed around with other countries far more than it’s policed anything. America and the world are on a path to horrible ruin for as long as humanity is denied a fundamental understanding of reality. Enslaving lies will be ended, or they’ll end humanity as we know it.
    There must be a carefully thought out, peaceful plan to transition to the truth, considerable costs of closely embracing reality be damned.
    Religion came up with tons of b.s. to deny evolution/natural selection/survival of the fittest. If people don’t speak up about how “prayer” (which is claimed to be a form of communication) is mathematically impossible and how any sense of “creationism” is barred by the provable Law of Conservation of Mass – and related ideas like how the universe – how our reality – is unlimited in size/scope as there is no such thing as a perfect closed system, then religion will just keep on shouting down here and illegally silencing there. Religion will win if intelligent people say nothing or refuse to make the strongest arguments against the wrongs they see going on. Then humanity will be sentenced to a downward spiral of tyranny, towards horrible, needless ruin based on nothing actually REAL.
    Again, “prayer” is known to be mathematically impossible. (In principle, this has been known since Newton/Leibniz and arguably since Euclid). The great lie of “prayer” – that communication can be achieved at the infinite distances of an uncaged, omnipresent “god” or “gods” – will be exposed to the entire world. It’s extremely likely that the corrupt powers – the Pope or the various kings and queens (and the like), have anticipated a pirate signal broadcast to unveil the truth. Instead, mathematical enlightenment will likely come from a grassroots campaign or a disgruntled lesser power, such as Brazil. (I had some hopes for China, but it appears that they are far too corrupt).
    Even an enlightened world will still have to balance how strong a stable, central government can be, just as early America (the U.S.A.) did, and still does. The same codes, much like the serial numbers on currency, that helps provide sensible levels of freedom, privacy, and security can also be the tools of tyranny. Balance.

  • @MANZANOADRIAN 3 months ago

    Who won

  • @iyeetsecurity922 3 months ago

    So, they just _impeached_ the head of *DHS* even though he wasn’t guilty of *_any_* wrongdoing. Why? How? This country has gone down the toilet that you have to flush 15 times.

  • @gljm 3 months ago

    Well it was worth it to go out into the snowstorm today to vote!!!!!!!!

  • @sandytrunks 3 months ago

    @3:42 WTF CDC? How many Republicans are on your committee? (Iiiiii dunno but it sounds to me like you wanna f* things up again before November)

  • @MyOutsideSocks 3 months ago

    Lara Trump looks like a robot wearing mortuary makeup.

  • @DishonestTrack6 3 months ago

    That final gesture Stephen made I know wasn’t supposed to be that but it sure looked like it.


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