Archie Bunker’s America | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

Published on December 15, 2023

Laura Coates and Walter Kirn join Bill to discuss the passing of writer and producer Norman Lear and whether his characters could – or do – exist today.

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  • @Anastasiabeaverhausen275 5 months ago

    AITF Was part of my childhood, my family never missed an episode
    It’s called comedy. Look it up.

  • @aligensa 5 months ago

    There was a famous study by values researcher Milton Rokeach that showed that many conservatives really did see Archie Bunker as the hero and didn’t even get that his views were being ridiculed.

  • @lisacav6916 5 months ago

    TV shows made you laugh to bring down racism. To poke fun at it instead of wanting to hurt each other. Comedy was and is still used in this manner.

  • @RayKosby 5 months ago

    I thought the character that helped guide Archie and the Meathead was Edith. Am I remembering wrong?

  • @eastbayarearesident3631 5 months ago

    Every nation, every society, and every generation has Archie Bunkers. Society and culture change over time. Some people embrace it, many don’t understand it and some fight it.

  • @MrKeychange 5 months ago

    Norman Lear didn’t create The Facts of Life and it wasn’t a 70s show.

  • @bsing2u 5 months ago

    Archie Bunker was the OG Maga.
    I have no doubt that DJT got most of his talking points from Archie

    I have been binging reruns of All in the Family and Archie complaining about the same stuff DJT complains about, no lie one episode was about flushing toilets.

    Watching Archie gives me a window to the mindset of today’s Maga cult.

    Another episode was about the 2nd amendment, and I swear the Maga understandings of it, is verbatim what Archie says

    The other view i get from watching this show is how much my mother fought to be counted, valued, and respected.

    The GOP is working really hard to roll back so all women become Edith.

  • @johnjacobson5657 5 months ago

    I’ll have what he’s drinking 😅

  • @v44rgtuy0l3 5 months ago

    “We’ve made progress, but we haven’t made any progress.” That’s the summation of this talking head.

  • @oskarrecon8151 5 months ago

    she wasn’t even alive 50yrs ago and definitely turned off Archy asap ,.

  • @S.J.L 5 months ago

    Most racists today are racist towards Caucasians but no one seems to have the balls to make a show about that.

  • @kevrkey 5 months ago

    Anyone who thinks you couldn’t make a Lear show today needs to re-watch those shows. Archie grew and learned throughout the course of the show. That’s what the series was about. Watch the episode where he confronts the KKK. None of his shows were offensive in any way.

  • @aligensa 5 months ago

    All in the Family was based on a British show called Till Death Do Us Part and there was even a German version called Ein Herz und eine Seele where the protagonist bears an uncanny resemblance to Hitler to ensure that viewers understand who the “villain” is. It was also a huge hit.

  • @ramshaka 5 months ago

    People will never understand this, on the subject of how much we’ve progressed as a nation, and we have indeed come a long way…

    BUT that progress is PER CAPITA. In hard numbers, and in the modernity of the information age, we’ve regressed. Trump has become the icon of the “Archie for president” people, and he could very well win, on that ticket, with that tagline…

  • @patrickmcgruff9207 5 months ago

    For those calling Trump a modern day Archie Bunker…I know you’ve never seen Jesse Jackson praising Trump for helping Blacks get access to Wall Street…here’s the video… SAVE IT!

  • @mhartan 5 months ago

    Maher is exaggerating. Every episode SNL, which is mainstream, crosses beyond political correctness and no one cancels them. And who in the world is cancelling Maher? I’ll agree that Blazing Saddles won’t be made now, but people are not going to jail over obscenity cases, which was still happening in the 80s.

  • @allenvestal4474 5 months ago

    I grew up in racist as hell democrat-controlled Louisiana and somehow managed to not be racist.

  • @e4t662 5 months ago

    I suppose a lot of people are wondering what she meant about “clutching her pearls”

  • @ocsrc 5 months ago

    The young generation, the 30 and under men are very conservative and vote republican and the under 18, in 2032, the voting is going to be something horrible because the 18 year olds are going to be so angry because they were kicked by all the PC stuff and being told how toxic and bad they are and surpressed and pressed every day and never allowed to speak with the most severe extreme punishments
    It is going to smack liberals in the face so hard when this group that is pre-teen boys right now gets to be 18, and vote, and Democrats know it and they are quietly working to pass laws Making the voting age 23 or 25 instead of 18.

    Which will buy them another 5 or 7 years, but they know, white America is super racist and they are looking at their race now being 48% of America and falling every day.

    They see what the illegals want, take the jobs and the low cost housing and health care and schools and food stamps and it takes away from the white people.

    And they see what black America wants, complete lawlessness, with attacks every day on your way to work.

    And the white guy who can’t afford to have a girlfriend and can’t ever have a house or family and is sleeping in his car working 3 jobs a day can’t make enough for a boarding room 5 foot by 6 foot sharing a bathroom with 50 people.

    And then they deliver food to these houses that all cost over a million dollars and every one of them is a non white person who lives there with their American Dream they will never have.

    It is a lot you take.

    And where years ago a white man could go to the corner bar and say the F word and yell and scream and run his mouth about doing something violent, and then go sleep it off in his car and the only punishment is a hangover, now,

    I git a call, a guy was looking for a bail bondsman and he said his bail was 1 million dollars, cash, and I said what are you charged with and he said 100 counts of domestic terrorism and I asked what he did, and he said he didn’t remember, but he was in the local bar and he was yelling about doing something about the illegal aliens that took his job, and he was arrested by a swat team when an illegal who was in the bar made an anonymous 911 call that a guy was making threats in the bar.

    You can’t even blow off steam at your local bar, and not even in your own apartment because someone might hear you and call the police.

    It is no mystery why so many white guys are voting Republican.
    And the young boys being told everything you do is wrong and illegal and you are toxic and they go on a Sharia site and talk with Muslims and they tell them how God says that women are property and when they say something that upsets them they beat them til they are on the ground bleeding from their head.

    And the Republicans who are old, they have wanted this from when we were not so. Anti-male.

    But now they have 3 new generations on their side.

    We really need to have a national program for men to give them a way to vent.

    Or we can just wait 10 years and have Sharia and it will fix itself.
    Like it did in Afghanistan when we left.

    Westernized Muslim women who only ever knew freedom, in just 5 days they lost every freedom and became slaves, and if they would not submit they were immediately put to death.

    I. Literally watch them shoot them in the head tight outside the gate of the airport

    And when I watch The Handmaid’s Tale, I cry because I feel like it is 2045 and I am. Looking at a documentary of what happened to America.

    And June is a lucky one because she could breed. All the other women were executed in the Killing Room Floors

    And the Republicans in control sit around their private rooms in DC and talk about it and how close they are to Making it the law of the land.



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