Rep. Adam Kinzinger: Members of My Own Family Disowned Me Over Jan. 6

Published on November 2, 2023

Rep. Adam Kinzinger returns to The Late Show and discusses the personal backlash he and his family faced following his involvement in the January 6th Committee. Stick around for more with Adam Kinzinger and check out his new book, “Renegade: Defending Democracy and Liberty in Our Divided Country,” available now.

#Colbert #AdamKinzinger #Renegade #RepKinzinger

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  • Janet Stevenson 7 months ago

    How small and cowardly are the people who did not support this man. The toll it would have taken on his health both mentally and ohysically would be enormous.
    Commeth the hour commeth the man (and woman… Liz Cheney)

  • L R 7 months ago

    Courageous man. I’d vote for him should he run for president. In the meantime, VOTE BLUE! 💯

  • Katusha Watkins 7 months ago

    It happened in Nazi Germany that every one fell in line. Here we have FOX egging them on every single day. People being lied to just don’t figure it out a great deal of the time. They are everywhere here in our county. FOX is very very dangerous to us all.

  • Cora Carrier 7 months ago

    Would you invite nazis to your dinner table during WW2, Inviting MAGA relatives to Thanksgiving is the same thing.

  • Darthopper 7 months ago

    I’m glad he did the bare minimum required by his oath to office, but let’s not forget, according to FiveThirtyEight, Kinzinger has voted with Trump 91.7 percent of the time.

  • John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt 7 months ago

    “Moral cowardice that keeps us from speaking our minds is as dangerous to this country as irresponsible talk. The right way is not always the popular and easy way. Standing for right when it is unpopular is a true test of moral character.” Margaret Chase Smith

  • Brandon Buckles 7 months ago

    I hope his family is watching this.

  • Pepe LePew 7 months ago

    Serious question: Why doesn’t Kinzinger and Cheney form a new party? If they would focus on what’s good for the country instead of how to get elected, I believe they would be pleasantly surprised at the response from America.

  • Chuck Heppner 7 months ago

    #Cult45 #TRE45ON
    “Many cults start off with high ideals that get corrupted by leaders or their board of advisors who become power-hungry and dominate and control members lives. No group with high ideals starts off as a cult; they become one when their errant ways are exposed.

    Ideas for my first experiments in human aggression came from discussions we had in a research seminar about William Golding’s ‘Lord of the Flies.’🪰🪰🪰🐷 The Stanford prison experiment came out of class exercises in which I encouraged students to understand the dynamics of prison life.

    As we have come to understand the psychology of evil, we have realized that such transformations of human character are not as rare as we would like to believe. Historical inquiry and behavioral science have demonstrated the “banality of evil” — that is, under certain conditions and social pressures, ordinary people can commit acts that would otherwise be unthinkable.

    We want to believe we are good, we are different, we are better, or we are superior. But this body of social-psychological research — and there are obviously many more experiments in addition to mine and Milgram’s — shows that the majority of good, ordinary, normal people can be easily seduced, tempted, or initiated into behaving in ways that they say they never would. In 30 minutes we got them stepping across that line.

    The line between good and evil is permeable and almost anyone can be induced to cross it when pressured by situational forces. If you put good apples into a bad situation, you’ll get bad apples.

    We all like to think that the line between good and evil is impermeable–that people who do terrible things, such as commit murder, treason, or kidnapping, are on the evil side of this line, and the rest of us could never cross it. But the Stanford Prison Experiment and the Milgram studies revealed the permeability of that line. Some people are on the good side only because situations have never coerced or seduced them to cross over.

    Evil is knowing better, but willingly doing worse. Bullying is an evil because it not only destroys the life of the kid who’s bullied, but also makes everyone in the class who knows this is going on feel guilty for not doing anything. Bullies may be the perpetrators of evil, but it is the evil of passivity of all those who know what is happening and never intervene that perpetuates such abuse.

    Bullies are often people who are shy and can’t make friends easily, so, as the theme of the movie ‘A Bronx Tale’ tells us, it is better to be feared if you can’t be loved.

    The “Lucifer Effect” describes the point in time when an ordinary, normal person first crosses the boundary between good and evil to engage in an evil action. It represents a transformation of human character that is significant in its consequences. Such transformations are more likely to occur in novel settings, in “total situations,” where social situational forces are sufficiently powerful to overwhelm, or set aside temporally, personal attributes of morality, compassion, or sense of justice and fair play.

    We like to think there is this core of human nature – that good people can’t do bad things, and that good people will dominate over bad situations. Infact, when we look at the Stanford prison studies, that we put good people in an evil place, and we saw who won. Well, the sad message in this, is in this case is the evil place won over the good people.

    I’ve always been curious about the psychology of the person behind the mask. When someone is anonymous, it opens the door to all kinds of antisocial behavior, as seen by the Ku Klux Klan.

    Whether we consider Nazi Germany or Abu Ghraib prison, there were many people who observed what was happening and said nothing. At Abu Ghraib, one photo shows two soldiers smiling before a pyramid of naked prisoners while a dozen other soldiers stand around watching passively. If you observe such abuses and don’t say, “This is wrong! Stop it!” you give tacit approval to continue. You are part of the silent majority that makes evil deeds more acceptable.

    The Devil’s strategy for our times is to trivialize human existence and isolate us from one another while creating the delusion that the reasons are time pressures, work demands or economic anxieties.

    Time matters because we are finite, because time is the medium in which we live our lives. Depending on whom you ask, time is money, time is love, time is work, time is play, time is enjoying friends, time is raising children, and time is much more. Time is what you make of it.

    Our time is brief, and it will pass no matter what we do. So let us have purpose in spending it. Let us spend it so that our time matters to each of us, and matters to all those whose lives we touch.

    Heroism is the antidote to evil. Heroes are those who can somehow resist the power of the situation and act out of noble motives, or behave in ways that do not demean others when they easily can. To be a hero you have to learn to be a deviant — because you’re always going against the conformity of the group.

    I’m saying to be a hero it means you step across the line and are willing to make a sacrifice, so heroes always are making a sacrifice. Heroes always take a risk. Heroes always deviant. Heroes always doing something that most people don’t and we want to change – I want to democratize heroism to say any of us can be a hero.

    … In contrast to the “banality of evil,” which posits that ordinary people can be responsible for the most despicable acts of cruelty and degradation of their fellows, I posit the “banality of heroism,” which unfurls the banner of the heroic Everyman and Everywoman who heed the call to service to humanity when their time comes to act.

    When that bell rings, they will know that it rings for them. It sounds a call to uphold what is best in human nature that rises above the powerful pressures of Situation and System as the profound assertion of human dignity opposing evil.”

    Philip Zimbardo

    “The essence in obedience consists in the fact that a person comes to view himself as an instrument for carrying out another person’s wishes and he therefore no longer regards himself as responsible for his actions.

    Although a person acting under authority performs actions that seem to violate standards of conscience, it would not be true to say that he loses his moral sense. Instead, it acquires a radically different focus. He does not respond with a moral sentiment to the actions he performs. Rather, his moral concern now shifts to a consideration of how well he is living up to the expectations that the authority has of him.

    Ordinary people, simply doing their jobs, and without any particular hostility on their part, can become agents in a terrible destructive process. Moreover, even when the destructive effects of their work become patently clear, and they are asked to carry out actions incompatible with fundamental standards of morality, relatively few people have the resources needed to resist authority.

    I would say, on the basis of having observed a thousand people in the experiment and having my own intuition shaped and informed by these experiments, that if a system of death camps were set up in the United States of the sort we had seen in Nazi Germany, one would find sufficient personnel for those camps in any medium-sized American town.”

    Stanley Milgram

    “I can never forget that one of the most gifted, best educated nations in the world, of its own free will, surrendered its fate into the hands of a maniac.”

    Eric Hoffer

    “It was one of the greatest errors in evaluating dictatorship to say that the dictator forces himself on society against its own will. In reality, every dictator in history was nothing but the accentuation of already existing state ideas which he had only to exaggerate in order to gain power.”

    Wilhelm Reich

  • Olorin 7 months ago

    Good job Kinzinger. Thank you for standing up for what is right.

  • L. Keith Hain 7 months ago

    SHOES!!! Wtf happened to men choosing not to wear DRESS SHOES with suits? The decline of civilization.

  • BeckettsDisciple 7 months ago

    another exploiter and book humper making a buck off people’s REAL pain

  • Michael Hathorus 7 months ago

    I like Mr Kinzinger; I disagree with him on some things but find him deeply principled and I respect that. However, he has not been paying attention to the cult of personality that is the Republican party. For many of his colleagues and co-voters, there has not ever been a red line. Reagan sold weapons to Iraq to support terrorists in central America. George W lied about ‘weapons of mass destruction” and got us into a generational war, a perpetual war. John McCain inflicted Sarah Palin upon us and her “disappointing” intelligence. All this and more are reasons that DT is a symptom, not the disease in Red State land.

  • avid gardener 7 months ago

    Lots of respect for this guy

  • Preston J 7 months ago

    And he still won’t vote with Dems for voting rights.

  • A Free Zaphorogian Cossack 7 months ago

    Wow, never heard Kinzinger speak informally. I kinda wish all the good republicans would stop falling out but it seems the party is dying and it’s lousy with parasites. I”m kinda hoping a guy like Kinzinger would stay in politics but not aligned with the fraud party.

  • Katie From Colorado 7 months ago

    I was truly heartbroken to find out so many people in my friend group voted for Donald Trump. Devastated.

  • muddro420 7 months ago

    I would appreciate it if you could put numbers in segmented videos. This one, I think, is 1/3. But the first one I hit was probably #2.

  • Paul Clissold 7 months ago

    Cult is mispelt

  • J T 7 months ago

    I’ve lost friends who liked DT more than me. They were never friends to begin with.


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