Fox News and the Big Lie | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

Published on February 17, 2023

Ari Melber and Sarah Isgur join Bill to discuss the revelation that some Fox News hosts knowingly lied to their audience about the 2020 election results.Ari Melber and Sarah Isgur join Bill to discuss the revelation that some Fox News hosts knowingly lied to their audience about the 2020 election results.

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  • Matt K. 1 year ago

    Why such short clips? This isn’t TikTok; most of us here have a reasonable attention span. Please give us longer clips that don’t cut off in mid discussion.

  • Michael Wright 1 year ago

    to have someone from ABC on giving an opinion is a real joke, if anyone thinks ALL the media lies and cover ups to protect their political masters and advertisers then you need to wake up.

  • 1blastman 1 year ago

    America, get wise to the lies that all networks push. Fox, CNN, pick your poison, don’t trust any of them. The truth is somewhere in the middle of each sides story.

  • Jonah Jenkins 1 year ago

    All news casters is opinionist now not journalist, I’m tired of opinions!

  • Gabonzo 1 year ago

    Lol. Trump saying the election was stolen was newsworthy. Every network covered it and “amplified” his lies. Dominion have a 0% chance of winning this lawsuit.

  • dnate697 1 year ago

    Yeah Bill, like when you make up $#it about Woke Folks when you’re being Lazy and taking a short cut! Being woke is the opposite of Jan 6, being woke is the opposite of White Fear or Whitelash LOL! Being Woke is knowing Qualified Immunity is BS! Ask the Shavers family, they’re white? Yes there are some weirdo Left Wingers who don’t have Jack Squat to do with Woke. Woke Folks are NOT causing Mass Shootings, Redlining, Pollution/Global Warming, Scamming Americans out of money, Trying to Cut SSI and Medicare or etc. Woke folks sure as hell are NOT flooding the country with Guns. What is the real divide? Whites who think we should include all Americans who accept diversity or those who are White Nationalists who say it is all ours=P

  • Tom grant 1 year ago

    Don’t need to hear from either channel that lies every time they broadcast, I heard from other sources what happened so get lawyers who were actually involved in the case, not radical knockleheads with TV chair law degrees.

  • Anurag Chakraborty 1 year ago


  • They Are Out There 1 year ago

    Just look at what happened in AZ. It is so obvious that they committed Treason. There were problems in every single republican stronghold. The guy in charge even got a huge bonus even though it was the worst run election in AZ history. Just look at the facts.

  • Dixon Cider 1 year ago

    Are there any law suits about the Russian collusion lie? That is the REAL big lie.

  • jus ded 1 year ago

    Fox has no journalistic integrity.

  • baim 97 1 year ago

    Fox lie so does CNN. what’s the news?

  • Boom Bam 1 year ago

    Thank God we have MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, TYT, The View, Jon Oliver, Jon Stewart, late night hosts, Disney, Bill Maher & on and on and on, to tell us the truth! Wow! A show about Trump and Fox News, what are the odds? (Sarcasm btw)

  • D S 1 year ago

    It’s nice of Bill to let his guests talk a little bit as well towards the end


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