Trump Probes Ramp Up, MyPillow Mike’s New Career in Fast Food & GOP Governors Pull Migrant Stunt

Published on September 15, 2022

People in London have been lining up for hours to see the Queen’s coffin, Donald Trump has found himself in the center of multiple ongoing investigations that could hurt Republicans during midterms, Melania was reportedly very upset with Trump over his handling of the pandemic, new light is being shed on his desired purchase of Greenland, Ron DeSantis & Greg Abbott have been pulling stunts and sending migrants to random cities, Floridians got together to be part of an ad campaign highlighting how much they like Governor Ron, and after MyPillow Mike Lindell’s phone was taken by the FBI, we checked in with the man himself (James Adomian) at Hardee’s.


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  • Michael Graves 2 years ago

    I don’t think immigration is funny, how’d you think you got here, illegally

  • Mike Lytou 2 years ago

    The mike lindell impersonator is so damn good at what he does that he’s just as exhausting as the original.
    Watching either literally drains energy from me.
    And still I can’t take my eyes off.

  • Bobby Rooney 2 years ago

    the ‘you killed my grandma’ kid was way better than he needed to be.

  • Michael Tudda 2 years ago

    Kimmel gets worse and worse. Not funny. (And The My Pillow dude is an odd ball)

  • kp 123 2 years ago

    I’m glad they’re not staying in Florida…this place sucks as far as how many people are old, sick and deplorables. They will thrive in New York…like they should.

  • eric marie 2 years ago

    I guess you know that projection on a map doesn’t show the right size of a country , right ? Green land is not so big ! Who can explain to trump Mercator projection ? And by the way White house doesn’t have a …Globe Atlas ?

  • Jason Conrad 2 years ago

    Next, we should send a group of migrants to the moon, maybe Mars.

  • Aristotelezz 2 years ago

    0:30 If you been in the army you know how tough that standing without any move is. You’re not even allowed to scratch your nose. Just try it yourself for 30 minutes…

  • SKinSKorea 2 years ago

    My Pillow actor is having the time of his life.

  • Tatiana Granger 2 years ago

    His food order makes sense. I mean, we all know how much he loves a good mushroom!

  • Quirky Quips 2 years ago

    The Desantis ad? It starts off as a believable political ad but within seconds, my mind goes into questioning what became real and what’s satire!

  • DownInAn EarlierRound 2 years ago

    Who would have guessed that the pillow guy would be so soft in the head.

  • AloneInFinland 2 years ago

    I thought ron desantis was shipping migrants across america because he just loves to traffic underage people across state lines….


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