Student Debt Relief | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

Published on August 26, 2022

Sen. Amy Klobuchar and filmmaker/activist Rob Reiner join Bill to discuss President Biden’s divisive college loan forgiveness plan.

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  • C J 2 years ago

    I wonder how many people that are against this were completely ok with giving Ukraine 54 billion dollars.

  • Duke Lee 2 years ago

    Dark Boomer energy..

  • K Lim 2 years ago

    Education is precisely what Americans need in order to see through dumb ideas such as education is a scam or qanon or lizard paedophile etc.

  • stonewall mcgraw 2 years ago

    10k tax cut for all would be more fair. Pay for my truck and I’ll start a business and make more than someone wasting time in school. 10k going to college debt is a waste of money. Just lower the payments to 10 bucks a month. 300 billion would get rid of the blue taps on your sidewalk and human feces and drugs. Seems like we are skipping over the real issues people are facing here.

  • D F 2 years ago

    This is not a solution, this is a bribe.

  • RealTakerslady 2 years ago

    This is a good thing.

  • Basement Artie 2 years ago

    . Eligibility goes to those making under $125,000, not 75,000…

  • TheJHMAN1 2 years ago

    Still the meathead, the US spends more per student than other industrialized nation with some of the lowest outcomes. Its not money its standards, which is something Democrats hate.

  • Blanco8x8 2 years ago

    I’m all for public education K-12. What bothers me is that college is “optional” and very expensive. But apparently if you don’t take college, your life is f> Reply

  • Davin Anderson 2 years ago

    Bill is more and more an out of touch conservative Boomer every year.

  • Ross Jacobs 2 years ago

    Education – all education – is good for the economy. Education of people is an investment in a countries economy and future. These people think education is only about servicing jobs. But education is about that and also about creating a thinking population, a curious population, an ambitious population, a productive population. Higher education is not for everybody, but what stops people obtaining an education should not be a lack of affordability.

  • Kelley Fisher 2 years ago

    I went to graduate school. Neither of my brothers went to college. Them paying me is beyond asinine!

  • Joseph 2 years ago

    Its hard to turn down $60k from the government when you’re a twenty-something kid who has absolutely no idea what he wants to do with his life,…and of course no kid thinks about repayment, or that he’ll become a failure.

    As a complete fuckup myself, I don’t really want my loans forgiven. I’d rather just have a job that paid that upper middle class wage, that would allow me to make those loan payments without having to live in my car.

    ,…but at $12/hr to fly a helicopter and/or $24/hr to drive a semi (the two most recent jobs I was offered) I’m a long way off from that.

  • Blanco8x8 2 years ago

    America has devalued the high school diploma. Might as well cancel the graduation ceremony, since it’s no longer the golden ticket it used to be.

  • Stop And Think About It 2 years ago

    College became the way for the left to create legal discrimination.

  • denny blalock 2 years ago

    What about all the people that got student loans to just go party in college? I know a ton that went, partied, and then flunked out after a year or two. Will they get the 10k bail out?

  • The Singing Janitor 2 years ago

    Easy fix on college loans….. allow them to be forgiven through bankruptcy………not this bullshit……

    Edit: this divides the country more……. not less……nice Democrats……..Bill your party sucks ….so does the other one

  • Martin McMartin 2 years ago

    Bad example with the Plumber, he got paid during his apprenticeship so he could afford his van, wasn’t 100k in debt.

  • Ngc 2 years ago

    1) A lot of degrees are entirely useless.
    2) Colleges make you pay for the amenities not just the education.
    3) College amenities are f*ing ridiculous

    I spent a year in a college with a $98 million sports center. I guess that factors into the cost.
    “On campus” housing starts at $430/mo for a shared bedroom with dining plans at $5600/y (~$465/mo)
    I was “off campus” (across the street) and my rent was $380/mo for my own room, and I doubt I reached $200/mo in food.
    So over $3000/y saved by not being “on campus” and cooking for myself part of the time.

    So yes, colleges take advantage of students and price gouge. But it’s really easy to save huge amounts of money by not cooperating fully with the scheme.
    Colleges should be able to provide a good education without a stadium and an olympic swimming pool


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