Macho Republican Books | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

Published on August 5, 2022

Bill dives into the recent trend of Republicans and their manly manuscripts.

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  • Barbara Roberts 2 years ago

    If right wing Republicans had their way they would DEMAND that women regress back to the way of living in the 1950’s (along with Blacks not having many rights then) only wear dresses, stay in the kitchen, wear an apron, do all the cooking, cleaning and “waiting on them”. Why? Because they are such insecure WEAK LYING alpha males who are absolutely terrified of strong, brave courageous and intelligent women and they just cannot handle feeling “intimidated” by them. Republicans do NOT want to evolve in any way shape or form and they deny all that is happening in our country and our world. They want to point fingers and blame others for things they never did or said, yet they themselves are the ones doing what they accuse others of doing! So backwards!

  • Nick Barcheck 2 years ago

    That Lis Smith seems really odd.

  • Daniel Hackney 2 years ago

    I haven’t heard even one of my democrat family, friends or colleague’s say they want Biden to run in 2024. So I would like to see clever and funny book titles of the possible candidates for democratic President in 2024. I’ll give you a little help and start you off with the first one. VP Kamala Harris book “How to cackle like a GOOSE when giving political speeches”.

  • bangslamwham88 2 years ago

    The Republican party loves to project themselves as the tough guys of US politics, but I’ve never seen seen any of them beating up anybody whom they feel slighted by.

  • Kevin Callahan 2 years ago

    this woman’s voice and vocal fry is hideous to listen to

  • William Vorkosigan 2 years ago

    She doesn’t come across as massively disingenuous.

  • ALTA Sterilizer 2 years ago

    Ironically since Bill Maher doesn’t understand meme warfare he’s going to help get these people elected. He’s linked manly and republicans.

  • Father “Aethiopem” Matris Gallus 2 years ago

    Who reads those books?? Not the ‘joke’ ones, but like Josh Hawley Manhood, seriously, who does that appeal too?

  • Psichosis 2 years ago

    I’d buy Ted’s book. Sounds like a good read, with a great pitch. Some far lefties could do with a swirly or two; help get those garish hair-dye colours out.

  • Dennis Gerber 2 years ago

    Please tell us what you really wanted to say to Lis, Bill. He’s horrible.

  • J Man 2 years ago

    I’m under the impression all liberals would be happy to see Republicans eliminated regardless of if they know them.

  • ursaltydog 2 years ago

    Republicans pretend to be soooo strong and masculine…. they have to take away women’s rights to make them feel manly…

  • JerJer B 2 years ago

    Trump: Without makeup, I’m your grandma

  • sanjuansteve 2 years ago

    Maher is so radically bigoted, he’s practically a Republican.

  • Edweird Mitchell 2 years ago

    How much did this annoying woman drink in the green room?

  • B A 2 years ago

    I’d buy several of these


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