Ryuji Chua – Changing How We View Animals | The Daily Show

Published on August 3, 2022

“For me, it’s about doing the best thing possible for the animal.” Animal rights activist and filmmaker Ryuji Chua discusses changing his views to see animals as a someone, not a something, analyzing evidence that shows fish feel, play and have families, just like cats and dogs, and getting informed on the suffering humans cause when farming animals for food. #DailyShow #Comedy




  • sheri mann 2 years ago

    Jesus was a fisherman! We gotta eat dude! Unfortunately fish can’t talk! Unless your a Don knotts Fish named mr. Limpet? Fish and bread is a staple of LIFE

  • MLG GAMER 2 years ago

    What I’m basically saying is whilst they’re suffering you have to bear in mind there is a certain ecosystem so it’s a cycle as he said circle of life. I suppose you can choose to be vegetarian and not eat any of them but at some point someone’s going to have to do it even if it’s not you personally

  • ajs 2 years ago

    the point trevor made about the circle of life would hold more water (no pun intended) if humans didnt literally over-farm animals

  • David 2 years ago

    Great interview! Very insightful and thought provoking.

  • Boo 2 years ago

    Bible/Quran are the most unethical misleading unjust books for the animals.
    As he said, may be it was the understanding of the people up to 17th century.
    Now, it is our time to change our mindset.

  • Emmanuel 2 years ago

    I guess the question then becomes if planet feel pain and suffer then would you change your diet accordingly?

  • Kaye Miner 2 years ago

    A true Mahayana Buddhist ethical approach. Thank you.

  • AMIT GHOSH 2 years ago

    He has spoken the truth. We humans are animals too. And we treat other animals with such disdain.

  • LifeOfLee 2 years ago

    This guy!!!!!

  • Your Decentralized Reminder 2 years ago

    In far far future we should not eat plants they feel pain

  • ooorealtealooo 2 years ago

    Thank you Ryuji for spotlighting you level of delusional thinking. Lost track how many times fo referred to an animal as someone. Not many people argue that harvesting animals for food is totally without stress. Our responsibility as a human is to keep that stress to the lowest level se can.

  • Vanghost~Art 2 years ago

    I’ll just say this. I’m a meat eater.. always will be. However, we can’t treat each other humanely, never mind animals. But I agree that someone needs to be on the animals side so we can be the best we can

  • Melvin Fernandez 2 years ago

    Cambridge Declaration on Consciousness. Look it up. Science institutions have established consensus on consciousness throughout the animal kingdom, not just mammals.

  • Relebogile Monkwe 2 years ago

    I love his approach!! Vegans who attack people for eating meat, eggs etc really aren’t helping anyone, if anything, it leads to a communication breakdown and no one takes anything from that.

  • Sharon Pius 2 years ago

    Here’s the thing. The more we research the more we will find that ALL living things, including plant-life can feel, suffer, emote, react, etc. These things do not define consciousness. These animals can’t think in terms of others perspectives; or question the meaning of life. I believe in animal rights and all our responsibility towards animals, other people and nature in general. but let’s not confuse the issue of consciousness and that which makes us human; for better or for worse.

  • Goodlad1 2 years ago

    Wow, this is a great, eye opening discussion!


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