Terri Jackson – Brittney Griner “Should Not Be a Political Pawn” | The Daily Show

Published on July 19, 2022

“This is what “We Are BG” is all about. It’s a rallying cry. We need a win.” Women’s National Basketball Players Association Executive Director Terri Jackson calls on the Biden administration to do what it takes to bring home WNBA superstar Brittney Griner, who has been wrongfully detained in Russia for five months. #DailyShow #Comedy



  • Its Nobbie 2 years ago

    BG has been kidnapped to have more leverage to get arms dealer Viktor Bout out of US prison – that has been unmistakably signaled by Russian state TV couple weeks ago. After all the back and forth between the US and Russia admin during the past weeks (BG is a hostage/No, she isn’t) and the public pressure, I’m seeing a discrete deal in the making. Former Gov. Bill Richardson (on behalf of the Biden admin) travels to Moscow to work on securing the release of Brittney Griner AND Paul Whelan. BG’s attorney has opened a path for the Russian court to acquit her based on “medicinal cannabis use”. Meanwhile, Viktor Bout will be swapped with Paul Whelan. Russia saves face, USA saves face – everyone’s happy!

  • Luis Medina 2 years ago

    She hates this country, she should stay in Russia and take all the demoncrats, and lebron who hate our beautiful country too.

  • Monica Rivera 2 years ago

    She broke their law about what they consider illegal drugs. Now she has to pay the consequences. Just like that kid that was caned in Singapore in 1993 for vandalizing 18 cars. He broke their law, and he was punished. Now it’s a female vs male issue?

  • Tyler Hackner 2 years ago

    Free Britney

  • Tyler Hackner 2 years ago

    She needs to be free

  • Calley Burns 2 years ago

    When you take drugs into a country where they are illegal, what do you expect. She brought this on herself.

  • lbednaz 2 years ago

    She wasn’t wrongfully detained! Anyone bringing illegal drugs into USA would be arrested. I believe their are other American prisoners in Russia who should be exchanged before her!

  • Zounds Treetop 2 years ago

    In Indonesia it is the death penalty.

  • Tobie One 2 years ago

    She broke the law. Let her pay the price.

  • JOKER49022 2 years ago

    Once there was this kid who took a trip to Singapore and brought a long his spray paint, and when he finally came back he had cane marks all over his bottom. If u know u know

  • Glorious Exceptionalism 2 years ago

    How many more contracts exist that might put citizen workers/ major sports players at risk of having their legal intents dictated to them and their freedom to travel home limited? Are there statistics being kept on this?

  • C-R 2 years ago

    I really am beginning to hope this woman has to serve out her entire sentence.
    I love hearing all these b!+ches crying about it.

  • Anwanda Manfred 2 years ago

    People need to know the laws of other countries before traveling to that country. She admitted having the vaping cartridges in her possession. Will the US allow people to bring drugs in their country? Some drugs that are allowed in your country is considered a contraband in another country. Learn that

  • Krist N 2 years ago

    Who would bring illicit drugs to a foreign country?? This is something you learn in Jr hiiiiigh!

  • Douglas Harley 2 years ago

    horseshit, she was making money in a fascist country and took illegal drugs along with her. NOT OUR PROBLEM.

  • ZR L 2 years ago

    quick question, since the president and vice president have made the promise to bring her back, why still promote all the petitions?

  • DP 2 years ago

    We are el chapo, too.

  • Dave Don 2 years ago

    Hope Americans have learnt a hard lesson. Think twice before deciding which country to visit or work in.

  • Michael Graham 2 years ago

    She seems rude.

  • bli blu 2 years ago

    No, why usa people think that breaking laws in other countries is okay. So selfish as always.


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