What Will Be The Punishment For Illegal Abortions? | How To Know If You Still Have Rights

Published on June 28, 2022

Stephen reacts to the Supreme Court ruling that overturned Roe v. Wade, and introduces a new way for women in the United States to find out what rights they still have. #Colbert #Comedy #Monologue

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  • beasley417 2 years ago

    It takes Two to make a baby so if your talking about punishment it better be given out To all parties involved.

  • vulpeish 2 years ago

    ^ ^ I think what is going to happen is that a lot of AmmmURRican women will just emigrate to Scotland or Cz republic……y know …civilised countries that do not have “christian” fundamentalist lunatics making the laws Foxy Pagan LOve fae Scotland VVxx

  • Lilly Fitzgerald 2 years ago

    Yes, there has to be some form of punishment but not for women; punishment for Trump for his attempting to overthrow democracy in America and there is more than enough evidence to support, that was his intention. So, which is it to be America – punishing children and women or indicting Trump. Interestingly, in all of this, nothing has been said about the male counterpart of an unwanted pregnancy – what should happen to them?

  • Nathan Banks 2 years ago

    Hmm…I suppose in Old Times Roman infanticide was more common than abortion. Both were practiced, though. 1:10

  • Lee Finateese 2 years ago

    “Everyone watching from New Zealand” Whoa, how on earth did he know I was watching

  • Rick 2 years ago

    Is abortion considered a violent act? Look up the word violent. If you consider it just a clump of cells,then no. If you consider it a unique entity to our universe,then yes. Just settle it in your own States where the decision belongs. It should never have been Federal in the first place. More then half of this country will always consider abortion a ghoulish procedure. Go tie up your tubes people…that will take care of your worries.

  • Wendy Will 2 years ago

    So if you have to have an unwanted child, does the government at least pay all your medical and other extra expenses? Why not?
    What will the punishment be now for men who miss child support payments? Cut off their dicks? Seems fair.

  • Iyeet Paste 2 years ago

    If doctors can figure out how to use a very _very_ tiny gun in the procedure, then abortion would be OK with the Republican’ts.

  • MaskedMarvyl 2 years ago

    There’s a very simple solution to all this for women; don’t have sex with men. If you’re bi-curious at All, now’s the time to explore that.

    If I was a girl, I’d already have turned gay and gotten my tubes tied. In a country where Republican Women voted for their rights to be taken away, it’s the only sane decision, short of moving to Canada.

  • Amayak Urumyan 2 years ago

    Protests, so what….

  • Blaues Pony 2 years ago

    Republicans: “Don’t tell kids how babies are made, but if they accidentally make one because they don’t know about contraception, take away their right to be kids and make them parents instead.”

  • Adam Gardiner 2 years ago

    Not to be crass but butt stuff is about to become real popular in red states. And I’m ok with Republicans getting F’ed in the A.

  • thethingswe 2 years ago

    50 years of precedent… but where did the right come from? Liberals are amazingly ignorant people cause they only listen to news they agree with. Go look up the 14th amendment and tell me where in there comes the right of abortion? The justices who decided Roe, completely made up a new law a new right which is not their job!! That’s for the legislative branch. But then, the people were against abortion…the justices forced it upon Americans…and today, these justices correct an error and the left goes nuts. And here’s the kicker. the baby and the mother do not share the same DNA or the same blood type or the same heart beat and yet, liberals claim they have the right to do with their body what they will. That’s just it. YOU have the right to avoid getting pregnant. But once pregnant, that is no longer your body..that’s a new person before formed. And the left is oblivious because they are always on the wrong side of morality. When you don’t believe God, you are just about self and pleasure…and killing a child is what a selfish, evil people do.

  • Beelzebub's Messenger! 2 years ago

    Americans rights haha. Ya want America’s guns because they take lives but You support abortion because it takes lives. Haha.

  • Gilbert 2 years ago

    Women have always helped shape the character and conscious of our Nation !!! The Supreme Court’s decision was inevitable, however, the way it happened was unconscionable !!! GOP COVID GENOCIDE !!!!** Our filthy rich have the best attorneys to elect chosen Representatives and Senators , Supreme Court nominees , abuse & manipulate our Constitution, introduce $0.00 Federal Tax bills for Billionaires, backed by political campaign contributions by Lobbyist & CEO’s (legal prostitutes) !!! GREED & Racism, will always outweigh the value of life for tens of millions of Citizens !!! Then there are those wanting to be filthy rich who will abuse any Law to embellish themselves as part of the Greed Cult !!! It’s is so obvious that the enemy within (Traitors) are REPUBLICANS and DEMOCRATS !!! For you Commies and Nazi’s, If you are not happy living in our Democracy , Please don’t let the door hit you on the ASS on your way to China, North Korea, Russia !!! We will gladly include an AK-47 in memorial of our innocent children when you step off your plane to swear a citizen’s oath to Communism !!!*** The few honorable Democrats & Republicans, GOD BLESS & GUIDE YOU !!! History will crown you as our Patriots & Heroes * The TRAITORS will be investigated and charged as Domestic Terrorist !!! Trump & Co-Conspirators will succumb to the famous RICO ACT, our Constitution, Civil Rights and most importantly the VOTING BOOTH !!!*** It seems David Pecker (Enquirer) & Putin have video on all these cowards both Democrats & Republicans, who are abusing our Constitution !!! Racism is alive and well in all levels of Government, the U.S. Senate, House of Representatives, the, GOP; Supreme Court, Federal Judges,, CEO’s !!! * KKK with Degrees * You all have taken an Oath of Office !!! PURGE these TRAITORS !!!*** BOYCOTT those companies that support Politicians who are traitors and Putin’s Puppets !!! REGISTER TO VOTE these Traitors Out in 2022 & 2024***********

  • Linen Gray 2 years ago

    *The 70’s called and they want their ruling back!* Not my quote but I love it.

  • Mark Robinowitz 2 years ago

    Given the number of Rethuglicans calling for prosecuting public health doctors for trying to control the pandemic, the idea they won’t prosecute doctors for performing doctors is not believable. It’s not a coincidence that states that are the most anti-abortion also have the worst death rates from covid since vaccination became available (since a higher percentage of their citizens don’t believe in anything modern, like Moderna).

  • Alle Warten Auf Das Licht 2 years ago

    The United in Stupidity Alliance has turned into a theocracy in the same vein as Afghanistan and North Korea


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