How Katharine Graham And Ben Bradley Protected Woodward & Bernstein During Watergate

Published on June 15, 2022

In the third part of their interview, Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward tell the story of a great moment in journalism history, when Washington Post publisher Katharine Graham and editor Ben Bradley put their necks on the line to protect their reporters’ investigation into the Watergate break-in. Stick around for more from Woodward & Bernstein and check out the new edition of their book, “All the President’s Men,” out now. #Colbert #AllThePresidentsMen #Watergate

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  • Howard Kerr 2 years ago

    “…there is hope as long as the truth is still pursued “.

    That is of little comfort in a time when UNTRUTHS fill the airwaves (looking at you FAUX-NEWS) and autocrats command the loyalty of MILLIONS via social media.

  • Cancun771 2 years ago

    Half the people in this country have been watching Fox News religiously for decades and take it all at face value.
    So no. Truth is no longer pursued in America. Hasn’t been for decades.
    Bill Barr, an actual member of Opus Dei whos father lived next to Jeffrey Epstein the spy and gave him a job at a girls school early on, is the perfect example how these are not isolated crimes by a few bad actors but an all-encompassing, bipartisan criminal conspiracy that has been going on for decades. *Always the same people.*

  • 0001alibaba 2 years ago

    These guys personify experience and humanity…being open to the truth. Both political parties hid the truth, a little at first and then more and more. Then the monster of misinformation they created raised its head and swallowed the world whole. It will take many many years before the US is again open to the truth.

  • Renee Daniel 2 years ago

    Two American heroes

  • Kevin Taylor 2 years ago

    Colbert, “There is hope as long as the truth is still pursued”…Woodward and Bernstein, response is to that question was to look sleeplessly with a deadly silence….and that is because they know that no-one of any importance will ever be referred to the this January 6 Commission is a show trial only for a TV audience.
    If they start prosecuting they own then where does it stop?…They are all there for the power and all the trapping that, that kind of power brings. Democrats and Republicans alike. If Trump is prosecuted then Truth and Democracy wins. But as America finds itself at the crossroads of is Conscience, I suspect it will take the easier route of doing nothing about this egregious event, because its less awkward. First you lose your Principals then you lose yourself and in this case your Democracy.

  • Wildflower 2 years ago

    I wish today’s politicians would take responsibility and be accountable like she was. Respect.

  • Cheryl Sibson 2 years ago

    Seeing this interview broken up like this doesn’t do Bernstein and Woodward justice, one day could Stephen do a podcast together with them? Katherine Graham went to bat for them was amazing!

  • James Bowman 2 years ago

    A clinic in modest reservation by Stephen. Imagine if he could have said what was loaded.

  • Richard Manzanares 2 years ago

    The truth is trump is not going to jail neither are his cronies and he’ll probably be president in 2024 that’s the ugly truth.

  • Paul Makinson 2 years ago

    Republican politicians have reached a point where they care more about preserving their careers than preserving the US Constitution. American voters care more about partisan politics than the rule of law. I personally am watching from across the pond, it affects me indirectly. If the US falls to authoritarian rule, we in Europe are alone in defending the values of liberal democracy. I do not know if we are up to the task in confronting the new axis powers Russia and China. Especially as the EU has a mole in the form of Victor Orban, and some countries like Greece and Portugal have sold their sovereignty to China.

  • Christian Sivertstol 2 years ago

    the fact is, if the conservatives are allowed to continue their quest to undermine and dismantle the educational system of this country then there will always be mentally stunted citizens who will believe whatever lies they are told. it is no secret that generations of young minds have been attacked by the conservatives/right-wing trying desperately to make them too mentally weak to resist brainwashing. that is where you must start first.

  • David Smith 2 years ago

    I’m not even American, I’m British, but I find this incredibly emotional. That a president can be so corrupt, so evil, that he tries to destroy his own country’s democracy to keep himself in power. Mind you Republicans have been doing just that with gerrymandering and voter suppression for 30 years. I have a saying, that America is not a single nation but two separate nations inhabited by two separate species. The Humans and the Republicans. By any metric that we use over here in the UK I doubt if we’d find Republicans to be actual human beings. Genetically Homo Sapiens perhaps but trying to find any trace of humanity in them is a wild goose chase. They seem to care about tiny clusters of embryonic cells but not about actual children getting killed with assault rifles, they hate homosexuals and trans people, they don’t want anyone who might vote democratic to even get a vote. I think they’re ok with immigrants who are Norwegian but woe betide anyone with darker skin than that who tries to get in. I have my doubts that the Jan 6th hearings will achieve any more than the impeachments did. The corruption in your country runs too wide and too deep.

  • Like Bot 2 years ago

    Oh look, it’s Carl Bernstein and Richard Kind. What’re they up to now?

  • eva tripp 2 years ago

    The people of America, the majority of us have already voted several times saying NO to t….p. He has never won the popular vote!!! If we didn’t have the antiquated rigged electoral system he would never had a chance to step into OUR
    White House. Then in 2018 we ( the dems) won the house back because repugs aere kissing maralago baby tyrants ass to much. Then President Biden won over the orange turd by 7 million votes & the dems kept the house & gained the Senate ( barely) t… & his
    gqp repug fascist hypocritical ” religious” cult are slow mentally to catch on so the majority of Americans have to continue to vote democrat until well I Say forever because when I heard reagan talk about being pro- life but his ( repugs) economy plan was to keep all money to themselves & trickle down on the rest of us I knew repugs were neither CHRISTIAN nor PRO- LIFE!!! They are GREEDY, HYPOCRITICAL LIARS!!! Most not all of them the better ones pay more attention to words & not to actions, policies & how they affect REAL HUMAN BEINGS & that’s how they get fooled!!! VOTE TRUE BLUE TO SAVE LIVES & DEMOCRACY!!!

  • tragicrhythm 2 years ago

    Part 2 of 4

  • eva tripp 2 years ago

    Can anyone see jeff bezos or rupert murdoch having their journalists backs like Katerine Graham did???
    What a Great American Patriot she was. Democracy can die when LIES are pursued instead of truth!!!

  • martin d 2 years ago

    no one was ever brought to justice for kennedys assasination. they still hide the evidence. its sickening. these aholes are guilty. gotta love how they threatened theyre own secrataries with death or jail and say the secrataries were happy to cover for them. the secrataries that wouldnt all died. look at what bush did with joe scarboroughs secratary over the 2001 BUSH election fraud. PUNISH them all before they are all dead from old age.


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