Elon Musk’s Billionaire Games – Between the Scenes | The Daily Show



  • 13.7#4.6Albedo 2 years ago

    Yet again, instead of maximizing understanding of the great things, the platform focuses on conflicting and stretching tension to even greater depths. How about sharing with us how policy making helped your corporation to present stories at a particular manner.

  • Thami Tsehlana 2 years ago

    I love how this video is exactly 4min 20 sec. 04:20

  • ohotnitza 2 years ago

    If billionaires are taxed on shares then I will be too, unless they set up some sort of minimum value to tax. And I’m not a billionaire. I agree it shouldn’t be able to be used as collateral or other financial instruments in that case though.

  • hazehk 2 years ago

    when you deregulate the financial system enough, it does end up being a scam ran by the bigger players. that’s the current world economy, a playground for pieces of human garbage like musk or bezos.

  • rocky 2 years ago

    Whole economy is based on a bluff that people are led to believe

  • kingman2332 2 years ago

    Deep Thoughts, with Trevor Noah.

  • Navi Camolo 2 years ago

    That is why he says he uses it as collateral to borrow money everyone is doing it in the bank using their house or jewellery anything that might have value

  • Carrie Raupp 2 years ago

    Making sense

  • Trapped Moss 2 years ago

    He has a point.

  • Truth above ALL 2 years ago

    The 1% socialise their losses & take all the gains – tax code is written by the 1% for the 1%
    We r 100% a oligarchy w some democracy sprinkled on top

  • MoneyGist 2 years ago

    Ever since the video explaining the GameStop stock saga, I’ve concluded that Trevor has quite the aptitude for grasping and explaining the workings of the financial sector.

  • Flame Beats 2 years ago

    If you use stock as collateral for a purchase or loan, that transaction should be taxed. I think that’s a fair solution.

  • matthew agaba 2 years ago

    Great man

  • Inventive Harvest 2 years ago

    Its because income is taxed and wealth is not. If we taxed wealth, you would have to pay on the same money again and again. Maybe you should speak with someone who know something before making a video.

  • Dharma Kaur Khalsa 2 years ago

    So well explained by Trevor. Brilliant minds like his always find the way to put complex stuff into words that anyone can understand.

  • null090909 2 years ago

    A tax on collaterals would save a lot of time. It would not be possible for people like Trump to inflate the valuation of their assets when borrowing and at the same time deflating it in their tax forms.


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