Sen. Bernie Sanders Breaks Down Why Working-Class Voters Flock to Republicans in Red States

Published on January 11, 2022

Sen. Bernie Sanders talks about the Democratic Party’s relationship with the American working class and connecting with striking workers in red states.

Late Night with Seth Meyers.

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  • Ganiscol 2 years ago

    As long as rightwing voters believe that everybody can “make it” in America and as a result believe that anybody who doesnt “make it” in America is just lazy and whatnot, they will rather believe the corporate sponsored lies coming from the GQP instead of voting for equal opportunity and uplifting those under yoke of starvation wages. Even if they barely, if at all, “made it”. It has to be infused by the angst of losing something if those below them come to their level of humble wealth.

    Meanwhile, the rich, the super rich and hyper rich rub their hands over the status quo that makes them richer by the day.

  • Darrel Zero 2 years ago

    How is this an hour old?

  • poopsled 2 years ago

    Was it really necessary to block in Bernie’s video with like 500 unskippable ads?

  • Kenneth Adams 2 years ago

    For 40 years the democrats have been complicit in increasing bipartisan inequality

  • s a 2 years ago

    Tax the 1%! This is where Bernie might be mistaken; those Republicans think that Privatization is better than Government Control but what they fail to see is that any privatization thinks only of profits and not fair wages or good products; the fox watching the hen house.

  • Kenneth Adams 2 years ago

    So when are you going to start educating voters about what you have delivered

  • bubblesezblonde 2 years ago

    Thank you Sen. Sanders and you also Seth. The Senator’s observations are spot on. Until the Dems grow a spine and get rid rid of the corporate shills like Pelosi, Clinton et el, no one will believe them. I would like to hear the Captain and his wife’s comments on this though…

  • Joseph Dunleavy 2 years ago

    How about we start asking ourselves why our reps in congress are becoming millionaires WHILE in congress. These are public servants, they make a nice $175/yr salary and all the benefits

  • Gibby9845 2 years ago

    Bernie Sanders the only honest politician in washington, All the rest are owned by their billionaire donors

  • ڕۆکسان 2 years ago

    We love Bernie, very few people stayed human in power and politics Bernie is excellent at it

  • Gibby9845 2 years ago

    Bernie Sanders the only politician who fights for affordable health care for the american people, The rest of the politicians get donor money to block any affordable health care for the people.Joe Manchin and krysten sinema are raking in millions in donor money block help to the american people

  • Laurel Viguera 2 years ago

    Thank you for speaking clearly and working for the people. Many folks need to help spread the word, before it’s too late!

  • Peter Porker Esq. 2 years ago

    The only progressive Late Night host in the US?

  • Giacomo 2 years ago

    A National Treasure!!!


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