Jordan Klepper vs. Anti-Vaxxers in SoCal | The Daily Show

Published on December 8, 2021

Covid political divides go deeper than just red vs. blue. Jordan Klepper hits the sunny streets of LA to talk to anti-vaxxers, learn about “bodily sovereignty,” and get a first-hand look at the dangerous alternative health practices within SoCal’s “wellness” culture. #DailyShow #JordanKlepper



  • How it works for me 2 years ago

    From Germany: that blonde one took too many coffee enemas…

  • Henry Sulser 2 years ago

    Irrational believes = downfall of mankind.

  • wulfmarine1 2 years ago

    The german woman is Julia Dietze from the movie iron sky a movie about Nazis in the moon… so maybe she just didnt find her way home after the movie wrapt

  • MusicfromMarrs 2 years ago

    The Siamese cat question as response was gold!

    As a yogi who tries to stay healthy, my booster is scheduled for Friday. Lots of healthy people have contracted COVID. Yes, be healthy and increase your chances of staying healthy, but yogis, I encourage you to in crease your awareness – not of conspiracy theories, but of science. Take precautions by getting vaccinated, just as you take precautions by eating well and being physically active and doing pranayama.

  • Will 808 2 years ago

    Kleeper rules

  • Elias Alekai 2 years ago

    If you want to take the vax take it. Why force it onto others?

  • Tiro Imion 2 years ago

    The interviewed people make a lot of sense. Of course not 100%, but the main point, that a healthy lifestyle is more important to your immune system, is 100% correct.

    It freaks me out that there is the believe that pills and needles solve the problem.

  • Kevin Williams 2 years ago

    Lifestyle beanie girl is definitely a stoner.

  • Ronald Raygun 2 years ago

    no wonder americans dont trust the vaccines. Trump sold it and we couldnt trust that orangutan as far as anyone who stormed the capital could spit.

  • Divamarvalous O'Neal 2 years ago

    This is staged….

    Naw these are real people.

  • Eugene Tham 2 years ago

    The 12 disinformers are also mainly Republican supporters, like Mike Adams

  • Daniel Lopes 2 years ago

    I must not fear. Fear, lowers the frequency.

  • Ryan Bickel 2 years ago

    this man’s job is to just walk around gaslighting people? jeez man get a life

  • Tatiana Rosa 2 years ago

    I can’t stand the idea of talking to someone who hasn’t been vaccinated without a mask

  • Andy Vo 2 years ago

    We have idiots amongst us on both sides of the aisle.


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