“Do You Think She Ever Loved Him?” – Lady Gaga’s Question To “House of Gucci” Director Ridley Sco…

Published on November 24, 2021

Lady Gaga describes the journey she went on while doing research for her portrayal of Patrizia Reggiani in Ridley Scott’s new film, “House of Gucci.” #Colbert #HouseOfGucci #LadyGaga

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  • pcaul 2 years ago

    The amount of commercial breaks is unholy

  • JA C SA 2 years ago

    Gaga never speaks the truth about Patrizia: when she decided to kill him, he was going to marry again and she was going to lose a lot of money, half of it. It was about the money, not about love, sorry Gaga.

  • 2ndRatePetronius 2 years ago

    Patrizia was sentenced to 29 years but served only 18. It’s debatable whether she ever really loved Maurizio more than she wanted to be a Gucci. And she wanted Maurizio to die before he remarried because she would’ve lost half her alimony and allowance from Gucci, which Maurizio paid up until he was murdered.

  • Hazel M 2 years ago

    I just love how much Stephen loves Gaga.

  • Pickle Porn 2 years ago

    Don’t be a follower…

  • Maio Parlato 2 years ago

    not an hardcore fan of the story but money was definitely involved. not actually her money: Patrizia managed to retain the alimony the family was paying her even after having her husband murdered (very skilled lawyers, I guess). but a big threat to her family assets would have been her ex-husband getting married and having other children. this would greatly cut the inheritance that her two daughers would eventually get.

  • New Message 2 years ago

    I just wanna know what strapless thing she was wearing that imprinted on her arms before getting into hat dress…

  • David Morris 2 years ago

    I know Gaga means no harm, but it feels kinda weird to me how she’s telling someone elses story while refusing to meet them.

    I would have not problem with it if she talked about it like “this is a fictional chatacter i created for this movie inspired by a real story. This is what i made her motives and morals to be” not like “this is what this real-life living person is like”.

  • Douglas Carter 2 years ago

    Wanna be Dale Bozzio. What a fraud.

  • Patrick Phair 2 years ago

    Love the “Flash” of Pants….cute -How long till it goes round the world?

  • Si Walton 2 years ago


  • Jeff Jackson 2 years ago

    No one is talking about her newest face? What family does she look like she belongs to? Hmm?

  • Michelle Meyer 2 years ago

    How do you not love Lady Ga-Ga????!!!!

  • Guy Sabol 2 years ago

    Thinking about history, I believe that what was shown was what the RUSSIAN Oliogarths were hoping to continue onward, but the unexpected assassination of Czar Nicholas 11 suddenly struck down all the flamboyant wealth just strewn about.

  • Derek's Ho corner 2013 2 years ago

    Stephen Colbert lady Gaga’s do You think she ever loved him Ridley Scott awesomeness job interview

  • dave h 2 years ago

    She could play a pre surgery donatella versace


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