New Rule: Almost InstaFamous | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

Published on October 1, 2021

Getting paid to do nothing has become this generation’s highest goal.

Find Real Time with Bill Maher on HBO GO®

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  • BlackJacketJones 3 years ago

    All I hear is an undeserving millionaire who is a comedian that never makes me laugh, shitting on middle class americans who have off grid vans. Not all people with off grid vans are also vloggers. Some of us, actually need to travel for work. Some of us are actually homeless and the van is a safety net. Some of us just love to build solar electrical systems, something that will be forever over your head, because Bill Maher, you would never be man enough to have such a useful skill. When your electricity goes out in your big hollywood home, I’ll be powered up and on my way to your place with a gang of cannibals hungry for the rich.

  • nevadaxtube 3 years ago

    The evidence of generational narcissism can be found on Youtube, TikTok, Facebook and Instagram. “It’s all about me” is the new mantra. Is it sustainable, a fad, a glitch in the matrix? Time will tell.

  • Grok Effer 3 years ago

    What’s so annoying about this generation is their assumption that everyone born between the end of WW2 and 1965 must have been a bigot that ruined the world, just to piss them off. The “Good Old Days” sucked, too. The world didn’t suddenly turn terrible when Boomers arrived on the scene. And now we have to listen to whiny crap from a generation full of lazy assed, bratty snots. They also seem hopelessly naive in regard to many things, including race relations in this country.

  • Jacob Robinson 3 years ago

    Spoken like a wealthy person

  • Leanne Blake 3 years ago

    GEN X born between 1963 – 1980 which means you “were born in that time or you were old enough and were becoming aware of the World & what’s happening. You remember what is was like. Now I’m 48 . I’m Gen X . Born 1973. In 1973 the Australian PM pulled our Soldier’s finally out of the Vietnam War. Do I remember that ? NO ! But by the time I was 7 & 8 yrs old , so 1980-1981 , I do remember Bob Hawke becoming PM of Australia & Ron Reagan the became Pres. of The USA. The UK had it’s 1st Female PM IRON LADY Maggie Thatcher. Russia was the USSR. The COLD WAR. By 1986 I was in High School and was 13 more aware and was influenced by world events and cultural events like The Berlin Wall coming down. No more East and West Germany and seeing Families reunited and happy. But also shock and sadness of the USA Space Shuttle Blowing Up. The AIDS Epidemic. People protesting around the World for those to understand and acknowledge that it wasn’t a Homosexual Disease. Protesting for Nuclear Disarmament & Peace. As for Terrorism ? All I knew of or heard about was the IRA. As for Craziness . The Rubix? Cube had taken the World by Storm and Pacman but we did have Great Movies like STAR WARS, JAWS , ET , Rocky & The Goonies and being a teenager did sucked and that was why Ferris took a Day Off ! Boy or Girl Bands! WTF? Bands were Bands that could play Instruments and play live. You brought Records , Cassettes ,VHS. And MTV actually was MUSIC TV..

  • Charles C. Chatman 3 years ago

    Sounds bitter

  • Axel Watson 3 years ago

    Bills out of touch

  • Sean Tyler 3 years ago

    Yes. White men calling black woman hideous looking is totally okay. Another great segment by Bill KkK Maher

  • henry reese 3 years ago

    Bill is becoming more and more irrelevant with time.

  • Antony C 3 years ago

    “I didn’t have that in my day, so you can’t have it”

  • Old Dirtbiker 3 years ago

    My parents used to tell me I could be anything I want. They were wrong. Don’t ever tell a kid that. If they want to travel around go for it.

  • XantiaD 3 years ago

    You know, I’m not a fan of the “Influencers” either. I find them shallow and annoying.
    So I don’t watch their videos or pay attention to their podcasts or whatever… and realize that while I don’t enjoy them, there are plenty of people who do. It’s not that big a deal – different strokes for different folks, so to speak.
    Bill sounds more and more like the old guy on the block who yells endlessly at all the kids to get off his lawn, whether they’re ON his lawn or not. It’s sad to see how badly a year with no audience broke the guy.

  • David Garris 3 years ago

    Past his time. Never had to actually “work” in his entire life. His career was handed to him. Used to be funny and somewhat relevant, now just annoying. And ignorant.

  • Einstein X 3 years ago

    I actually do watch one and only one van life channel on YouTube and the only one actually worth your time. Foresty Forest, tired of grinding away at his factory job and desperately longing to be in the mountains build his own van while actually already living inside it. Twice. And now makes excellent content of his hikes in the Canadian mountains. This guy truly doesn’t care at all about being insta-famous and just found a way to live the outdoor life he dreamt about.

  • paul94622 3 years ago

    I don’t know about anyone else but I love travel Vlogs. I watch them to see countries and cities I may want to visit someday some are very informative. There is a saying work smarter not harder.

  • lacountess 3 years ago

    If you want young people to take the shitty jobs pay them right. Also when you’re past your senior years, retire so the next generation would have a place to move up. You top-level-hogging boomers leave us no good options, then when we say no thanks! you whine?

  • Chad Williams 3 years ago

    Yeah because who doesen’t want a nice job at burger King right bill?


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