Black Creators Boycotting TikTok Dances- Can We Convo? I The Daily Show



  • odora Allan 3 years ago

    Yes Kylie genner master of appropriation chilling with someone doing the same
    But honestly eventually the Kardashians are going to be identified as black just like eminem
    The Kardashians at this point only date African American men even rob dates African American women
    The whole thing really isn’t truly triggering as long as they take care of all their kids mixed or not and try to understand and help the people you love so much

  • Whaaat TheFrak 3 years ago

    I feel sorry for Trevor Noah, these two are driving away the white viewers and then the advertisers revenue.

  • fjtalleyauthor 3 years ago

    Great convo!

  • MegaDerpyDOO 3 years ago

    who wants to make a dulce sloan fan club

  • John 3 years ago

    TikTok is the worst thing since the worst thing.

  • Tarek S 3 years ago

    Can you note demonetize or sue them? please do so

  • Jorge Andrés Ortigoza Ulloa 3 years ago

    It’s really sad watch how this identity language is now so deep rooted in the American Media.

    This video is soooo racist. It make a point in a lie “only black people know how to dance, how to sing, our “culture” is better, even that white people have to stole it”.

    So, the Tik Tok dances are only a “black thing”. Hip hop know is only black?

    They are making fun about the inability of white people of make a cultural expression. If that is not racist, so, what is racism?

    This two are wrong. Dulce is pushing a racist agenda. So sad what they are doing with this show.

    I’m sure that this video are going to age like milk.

  • SP 3 years ago

    Adults complaining about teenage white girls dancing on an app for teenagers. Society is such a joke.

  • Jesse Miner 3 years ago

    This conversation is perfectly raw an hilarious.

  • A T 3 years ago

    Anybody can dance who wants to. Skin pigmention and ethnicity aren’t a thing. There is no problem. There is nothing to address.

  • ysJP54 3 years ago

    Loved the chit-chat style. Guys, you gotta do this more often. Please!

  • mykryos 3 years ago

    It’s not fair. They never stole anything from anyone in their life.


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