Why Failure Follows Donald Trump and Everyone Close to Him – Jonathan Karl

Published on November 17, 2023

ABC News Chief Washington Correspondent Jonathan Karl talks about the long list of ruined careers and courtroom losses that follow the former president. Stick around for more with Jonathan Karl and check out his book, “Tired of Winning: Donald Trump and the End of the Grand Old Party.”
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  • robert sharp 5 months ago

    Great Point. King Midas, everything he touched Turned to Gold. Dictator Trump, Everything and Everyone he Touches turns to Horse shit. Slightly Biblical. What is Biblical is Matt 12.25 ‘A house Divided will never stand’. TRUMP has created literal infighting’ in his party and also creates the same with US Citizens in his rally speeches. To ‘DIVIDE’. Donald TRUMP, Lord of the Flies.

  • Kaldia AZ 5 months ago

    Oh, I have an idea of what a 2nd term would look like… Trump IS the antichrist…need i say more?

  • Jacob Herter 5 months ago

    So they’re cheering for the football players refusing to see Trump for one day, to get multiple people paroled or released on clemency for wrongful convictions. Cheering seems wrong. Seems like those football players could have covered their nose for a day and spared multiple people from suffering incarceration wrongfully for the rest of their lives.

  • expatstef 5 months ago

    People are wondering how and why Trump is still being celebrated despite the loses and indictments… Just consider that the Confederate flag and generals are still celebrated over 100 years after losing the Civil War!!

  • Sofia Gomes 5 months ago

    These people that went and work with him cannot plea ignorance to the egregious person the orange buffoon is.
    People were trying to cash in his “Administration”, and the only way to escape the pit is going back there and continue to support the nightmare.
    He is a corrupt pathological liar. There is no way you can improve it.

  • gladtravis 5 months ago

    This may shock some people, but POTUS does not control consumer prices, gas prices* (*with a few exceptions) etc or the economy in general. Economy is mostly driven by spending. POTUS mostly gets false credit when things are going well and false blame when they’re not.

  • Richard Block 5 months ago

    Karl is a very good journalist who should be read.

  • Cheers Meow 5 months ago

    Normal Americans vote blue 💙

  • Hull Style Productions Change the World 5 months ago

    I believe Donald could start ww3 if he gets back in office, and you know his cult will do whatever he tells them. So I believe the world needs us to vote blue.

  • E B 5 months ago

    All I can think is the dumb ppl that fell for it and still are.

  • seinfinn 5 months ago

    I know this is supposed to be largely focused on comedy. But with everything going on globally right now, Donald Trump feels like pretty small potatoes.

  • Courtney 5 months ago

    How do I get a transcript of this!? This is all gold, especially @4:51
    Edit: For someone that hates losers, he sure do like to lose a lot!!!

  • Rob Salvv 5 months ago

    Cheetolini needs to go.

  • M L 5 months ago

    do these men have mothers who might have attended the same fertility doctor

  • Embreis 5 months ago

    6:57 is he kidding us? voters can’t be _that_ mind- and clueless. even if there is discontent with Biden, even if they struggle economically, nobody can harken back to 2016 and think for one second a president Trump would make one iota difference for the better – and certainly not for the average Joe who doesn’t really benefit from GoP taxcuts.

  • connosaurus 5 months ago

    The Minus touch

  • Rhonda Wilson 5 months ago

    Things were Horrible when Trump was in office! I really thought we were all going to die everyday. He was breaking every rule & law we had. Making people divided, ect. Why do people have such short memories???

  • Rosa Cruz Chiquini 5 months ago

    I think he stays relevant because sadly America still heavily racist, heavily ignorant and he highlights their grievances. White supremacist have a new champion In trump.


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