Way To Go, Amazon! | The Daily Show



  • Sketchazoid 2 years ago

    [Forks and Knives out] So uh…when we eating the rich? Annnd yes…of course the cutlery is purely metaphorical. I could eat though.

  • mary lewis 2 years ago

    Is he being snarkastic? Taunting them? It sure seems that way.

  • Nishido Hellhillsruler 2 years ago

    We are living in the future, guys. And it’s a dystopian one.

  • Alonza Brown 2 years ago

    Amazon can’t be that bad if employees keep voting down unionizing. Yes they should pay more in taxes, no doubt. However, I think it’s fair for employers to want to track employees.

  • pack.wolf 2 years ago

    I guess trickle down economics is actually peeing in a bottle rather than getting a sip of the champagne…

  • Yvette Mckinzie 2 years ago

    You can see why he and his wife divorced. Ideals are totally opposite.

  • bhbobby 2 years ago

    Jeff Bezos has enough money to give every single person in the world a billion dollars and still have close to 200 billion and yet there are people out there working three jobs just to make it by. If this is not a direct indictment on capitalism, I don’t know what is

  • sanjuansteve 2 years ago

    Billionaires are WORTHLESS HUMANS!, putting their own limitless greed before all else including the planet and its inhabitants!!

  • N G 2 years ago

    Sorry guys but I don’t blame him for that. That’s what capitalism is all about, exploitation of the weak for the benefit of the strong. So, stop being hypocrite and support that idiology in the first place.

  • Jackson Bangs 2 years ago

    This is why I REFUSE to buy anything from CORRUPTED Amazon and Jeff Bezos!

  • Syilver A. Wors 2 years ago

    Capitalism at its finest

  • Adish Nair 2 years ago

    Slavery 2.0

  • Nancy Jenkins 2 years ago

    Your workers don’t like you, Bezos. But don’t worry, the devil does.

  • Jose Arias 2 years ago

    I used to work at an Amazon warehouse for 2 years and they fired me on a technicality. I tried to talk to somebody to get it fixed, but nobody ever called back. It was also the worst job of my life. True story.

  • Heidi Van Ert 2 years ago

    morally reprehensible

  • Philoctetes 2 years ago

    jeff bezos is the devil.

  • Joe R M 2 years ago

    You can bet, as soon as robot tech advances enough, all the warehouse workers will be replaced by robots.


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