Utilities: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Published on May 16, 2022

John Oliver discusses the incredible amount of power we give electric utility companies, how weakly regulated they are, and why they get such bad Yelp reviews.

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  • Casey Beiser 2 years ago

    “Make more jobs!”
    Just what we need right now

  • Tech Freak 2 years ago

    If the governments won’t hold companies and power, then maybe we the people should, even if we have to break some laws and necks. You might say that’s terrorism, but if the government’s failure results in terrorism, then it’s it not the government’s fault the terrorism happens?

  • Zeldagigafan 2 years ago

    Go to Horny Jail, John…

  • Gail Lewis 2 years ago

    I was in San Diego when electricity bills tripled for no reason whatsoever, crippling and closing local businesses and forcing residents to live by candle light. Major supermarket chains turned off half the overhead lights and raised the temperature of the AC to shave their costs. Meanwhile, PG&E turbines were pulled offline to keep the utility profitable. Criminal.

  • W 2 years ago

    Much like the gas companies like ExxonMobil, BP, & Chevron Electrical companies have monopolies in your town, & will illegally raise the price of your Electricity since they’re literally you’re only option for power.

  • floris257 2 years ago

    And here I thought that the United States are a first world country… John proves that wrong once again.

  • RenTheWren 2 years ago

    Generating your own electricity for personal use should be a fucking RIGHT.

  • DragonFae16 2 years ago

    America is insane.

  • Paul McCharmley 2 years ago


  • Greg B 2 years ago

    This segment could have used an international perspective. You’d find endless examples of fully government run electricity utilities that are horrifically managed and corrupt. Performance based regulations seems like a pretty good idea

  • ProjectDv2 2 years ago

    Friends of my family lost everything and were severely maimed in the San Bruno pipeline explosion. My mother lost her home, every shred of my childhood, and almost her life in the Camp Fire. Fuck PG&E all the way to the gates of Hell and right the fuck in. If the company were a human being, it would deserted the fucking death penalty. I want to see that company rot into dust.

  • Shane of Canada 2 years ago

    Can’t sleep Redi Killawatt will eat me.. Can’t sleep Redi Killawatt will eat me.. Can’t sleep Redi Killawatt will eat me..

  • Rubia Ryu 2 years ago

    By this point, California being called the “Sunshine State” could be an insult considering how often we’re on fire.

  • WhoLetTheDogOut 2 years ago

    Last year I was stuck without electricity during the great Texas snowstorm for 2 weeks. I was still somehow charged over 200$ for the month eventhough my average is 150$

  • Dixon, D 2 years ago

    “Let us shoot ourselves in the foot to own the libs.”

  • Vincent Joly 2 years ago

    How do you fix this? Step 1: Eliminate legal briberies from corporations to US elected officials. Step 2: Eliminate legal corruption in the US. Step 3: Stop US politicians from taking money from Corporations.


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