The Participation Trophy Society | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

Published on October 7, 2022

Katty Kay and former Gov. Chris Christie (R-NJ) join Bill to discuss the case of NYU professor Maitland Jones Jr., who was fired over complaints that his organic chemistry class was too difficult.

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  • ΞΛRTH 616 2 years ago

    mr.christie, you need to cut back on the cookies

  • Bobby Quarantino 2 years ago

    Great now we’ll have dumb doctors. Can’t see anything going wrong with that!

  • Andrea Sandoval 2 years ago

    Millennials and GenZ are the kids of Boomers and GenX and I’m glad someone finally called the parents out! Millennials and Zoomers get so much shit but the olds seem to forget they are the ones that raised them that way

  • Silence me Violate me 2 years ago

    Participation trophies were started to keep kids interested since their parents were mia.

  • Mark H 2 years ago

    The beginning of the movie “Idiocracy”.

  • Bob Jones 2 years ago

    Oh god, this is giving me O Chem PTSD.

  • Elena 2 years ago

    This could very much depend on the context. Was the exam unreasonably hard? There actually are professors living in their ivory tower thinking their subject is the most important one asking students to learn some obscure information. Organic chemistry is actually not that important for Medicine students.

  • MusicMix999 2 years ago

    Bloviating morons.

  • Josh K. 2 years ago

    Its just shitty, lazy parenting, nothing really about trophies that causes shitty, lazy children. Post WWII we are all soft generations compared to the one that grew up with depression and went into WWII.

  • Birder John 2 years ago

    This is an old story, shitty parents raise shitty kids.

  • Birder John 2 years ago

    Love the honestly from Chris.

  • William Decker 2 years ago

    Don’t get Chris Christy high, he’ll get the munchies!

  • MGoBlue 93 2 years ago

    0:34 what the hell does Bill say here? He was in the what department?? Sound like he says Euliesh, which is most definitely not a word

  • Nic Hautamaki 2 years ago

    lol Katy “Do you think they’re lowering their standards in China so everyone can pass?”

    Yes. Yes they are. As anyone who has taught in a Chinese university, or taught Chinese students in a western university can tell you, yes Chinese students do expect to pass every course no matter what without actually studying or learning anything. The fact that Chinese degrees are not worth a roll of toilet paper is why Chinese parents started sending their kids to American universities in the first place! Because passing university in China means nothing! Getting INTO a Chinese university is hard, harder than shit, but once you’re there, it’s a four year vacation. I had a Chinese roommate in university who did not go to a single class in his whole 4 years. He stayed home playing rhythm games and DOTA 14 hours a day for 4 years, then got his degree, got a job running one of his uncle’s hotels, and everyone lived happily ever after. The problem came when Chinese students, paying triple tuition, could hardly speak a lick of English let alone actually do organic chemistry homework, but had a metric fuckton of money and incredible pressure to get that degree started finding every way under the sun to cheat to get it because that’s all that matters. And at first universities started catching and expelling them, but pretty damn soon administrative departments who were getting rich off these Chinese students paying triple tuition started finding ways to not expel known cheaters, and pressuring teachers to look the other way, and so pretty soon you had 4 year degree holders from China who couldn’t carry on a basic conversation on the subject matter they supposedly just mastered enough for a bachelor degree. But they took their fancy western university paper back to China and their uncle gave them a job and they had a lot of face and the university made a lot of money and everyone still lived happily ever after. But of course western companies quickly realized that a degree from a Chinese graduate might not mean anything, so they had to up their internal testing, so Chinese grads had a tougher time getting good jobs because they weren’t trusted. Then Chinese companies clued into the same thing. So now a western degree means way less in China anymore too, unless it’s a REALLY prestigious world famous university.

    Anyway that’s a huge digression, but, rest assured Katy, Chinese universities have no enforced standards whatsoever. Cheating is 100% expected and never punished. You get into the university, you pay your tuition, you don’t literally get sent to jail or die, and you will pass and get your degree in 4 years. There are 0 standards. If you’re going for a real job that actually requires highly specialized expertise, you will have to get a masters or PhD. Like my wife had to get a Masters just to be a Chinese as a second language teacher, because those programs you have to actually be a top student and be invited into it (though corruption plays a huge role here too of course, as does sexual coercion in some cases). To be a doctor in an actual prestigious hospital, you will have to get into either the military run medicine university or a foreign medicine university like John’s Hopkins or other nationally recognizable equivalents. But ordinary hospitals that average people go to? Total crapshoot. My wife’s drunkle is a ‘doctor’ and I wouldn’t trust him to pull a sliver lol. You can see doctors smoking cigarettes as they walk down the hospital corridors right past the no smoking signs and I once went to get antibiotics for pinkeye and the quack gave me some basic amoxicilin–and 32 pills of all different shapes and sizes to take *per day* for a week. All Chinese medicine herbal supplements lol. How much you wanna bet he has a family member running the factory that pumps those placebos out? All the people who think China is some well oiled machine full of mega educated well organized go-getters that are gonna surpass America any day now have clearly never actually lived there lol.

  • icon icon 2 years ago

    Chrhri Christian far assumes

  • Zoester Productions 2 years ago

    Really? When the U.S. media thinks it’s the news that’s when it’s time to drive a stake in their collective heart! Chris Christie and former BJ queen of Fox news sitting on the stage of HBO and think what really matters is their spectacle, this U.S. Republic is dead.

  • casbott 2 years ago

    This is the fault of *Bill Maher’s generation,* he seems to forget that it was _Boomers_ that wanted participation trophies.
    Does he really believe that six and seven year olds organised this sort of thing in little league.

  • casbott 2 years ago

    Oh look, *Chris Christie is trying to rehabilitate his image* after sucking at Trump’s teat for four years.
    Chris, you’re never getting that stank off.


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