“The One Courageous Person Was Gen. Milley” – Bob Woodward Describes Speaker Pelosi’s Urgent Call

Published on September 22, 2021

Bob Woodward and Robert Costa spoke to many sources on deep background for “Peril,” and they found Gen. Mark Milley to be the only brave person in the former president’s orbit in the time between the election and President Biden’s inauguration. #Peril #RobertCosta #BobWoodward

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  • Twisted 3 years ago

    Why do you not admit to yourself that Trump was entirely under Russian control, and they rigged the election. Here is a list of advantages that Russia got.
    1. F-35s were delivered to Russia.
    2. The Russian embassy was moved to Jerusalem.
    3.The Abraham Accords were drafted in favor of Russia.
    4. The Two state solution was abandoned to please Russia.
    5. The Golan Heights which Russia always wanted was recognized.
    6. The UN was criticized and funding pulled for investigating Russian war crimes.
    7. Russia’s favorite son in law was given a position in the White house.
    the evidence is irrefutable, only Russia gained from rigging the election and only Russia had the means to this as Russia controls the media in the US and the Financial System and have their agents in every strategic institution and all politicians come to powerful lobby of American Russian Public Affairs Committee(ARPAC) for their pre election run coloscopy.
    Yeah . . . America too smart . .you no pull wool over eyes.

  • Metal Roofing 3 years ago

    So Milley undermines the authority of the president… and this is not treason?

  • Darlene Noel 3 years ago


  • shaun 3 years ago

    you should remember this interview, and the revelations about Nancy Pelosi. especially when the dems are accused of being useless or a anti democratic…

  • Nikolai Leerskov 3 years ago

    The US has not been seen as a beacon of democracy for a loong time. And with Trump it’s now seen as a very unstable democracy that could change radically every 4 years. Such instability is not something anyone wants to cooperate with.

  • Johnny Cash 3 years ago

    Milley had to stand up because no one else could to what needed to be done. He serves to protect the citizenry, not Trump.

  • Mauritius Dunfagel 3 years ago

    Milley is definitely a true American hero!

  • Rob Van Gessel 3 years ago

    Hold them ALL accountable. Trump, the perpetrators, and those complicit (which includes Senators who still try to block investigations).

  • Michael Lino 3 years ago

    The reason trump left the white house is because of general milley. He knew general milley wasnt going to stand for it.

  • Michael .Witheford 3 years ago

    God….it’s NUCLEAR … not NUCULAR

  • Daniel C. 3 years ago


  • Allan Pattison 3 years ago

    General Milley is a patriot & a hero bc he did what was necessary to save & maintain our democracy! Well done sir!!
    Semper Fi!!

  • Danrion 3 years ago

    3 reasons Trump won’t Concede EVER :
    1. He is milking his supporters till last drop.
    2. His Narcissistic Ego won’t let him admit Defeat.
    3. Afraid of going to Prison.

  • MaskedMarvyl 3 years ago

    What about the credit that Dan Quayle deserves?
    I can’t believe I would ever write that sentence.

  • ze 3 years ago

    Omg, Woodward, so boring, yawn…

  • April jones 3 years ago

    America is now seen as the end of an empire. Sad but predictable

  • Scott Baxendale 3 years ago

    Why? One word: Putin.


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