Supreme Court Ethics: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Published on February 22, 2024

John Oliver discusses the Supreme Court, the ethically questionable gifts some of the justices receive, and an offer for Clarence Thomas that could ruin John’s life. Genuinely. You’ll see.

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  • @khamilaknight7617 2 months ago

    Clarence Thomas should just admit to everyone that he is a rich man and he does what he wants🤷🏾‍♀️

  • @jadedbrad 2 months ago

    The reason wealthy people are picking textualist Justices is because they will tear down regulations. Not Roe vs Wade. Regulations cost them money.

  • @T.GLongstaff 2 months ago

    It’s not 1/3rd of the court appointed by someone who didn’t win the popular vote it’s 5/9ths. George bush appointed two justices and didn’t win the popular vote his first election. The only conservative justice justice appointed by a president who won the popular vote both elections was Clarence Thomas.

  • @kaemonbonet4931 2 months ago

    Holy hera, i hope he takes it!

  • @augustinbrehier498 2 months ago

    épisode plus qu’intéressant !

  • @SpyderMan59 2 months ago

    Thank you John and thank you HBO! People like Thomas need to be called out for what they are and it further supports the concept of term limits and not lifetime appointments for these so-called constitutional experts.

  • @strippinheat 2 months ago

    It is just insane to Me how a Black man could be right-wing, and especially claim to be an “originalist.” Like, you know what situation Black people were in when the Constitution was written, right? They had to make an amendment to say Black people couldn’t be property: that wasn’t part of the original text.

  • @cliftonchurch6039 2 months ago

    Dear HBO c-suite, deciding to delay these clips until Thursday is a mistake. There could have been so much push to bring attention to the issue with John’s stunt, but your desire to push viewers towards your streaming services kneecapped the possibility of a movement to improve things in our country.

    But then again, this episode is all about making our government work less for corporations and more for the mega wealthy, so preventing an online movement (like was caused over net neutrality by this show) might have been the goal al along. I mean, HBO has a lot to profit from access to bribing the government…

  • @davidquackenbush7920 2 months ago

    Love you John Oliver. OMG take the deal Clarence

  • @Whatsamattau2 2 months ago


  • @rinoceronte2692 2 months ago

    Lifelong justices, federal judges or any kinda judge is a freaking joke. Any judge or justice receiving expensive or luxurious gifts, are extremely corrupt.

  • @StahnDAileron 2 months ago

    This is one of those moments when I feel like the lawyers assigned to Last Week Tonight need to be in the credits.

  • @nlavigne92292 2 months ago

    Could you please do a story on Jordan Peterson? He seems to have a massive following and a lot of influence despite many people not knowing who he is.

  • @chrisbraeuer9476 2 months ago

    John Oliver is pure gold.

  • @marinanjer4293 2 months ago

    Why today John, we want it on Sunday at night before we sleep

  • @Ritzrfx 2 months ago

    what a paradox!!! I know it’s so satisfying towards the end of the show, but in the mean time, it is showing how cluster truck we are of our judiciary system is!!!

  • @TheBlueB0mber 2 months ago

    “If you watch our show you know jokes really aren’t our thing” 🤣

  • @daphnec3286 2 months ago

    I hope Clarence takes this sweet sweet deal 🤣

  • @robertkendall1343 2 months ago

    truly the best supreme court MONEY can buy


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