Stop trying to make cursive happen, it’s not going to happen #shorts



  • Sir Julious 3 years ago

    Wait did they ever stopped? That’s unfair I suffer learning that and to this day it is useless.

  • sup 3 years ago

    Meanwhile me, an indian who always writes in cursive because it’s faster and easier: wait, how tf do you write if not cursive?

    Like seriously I’m surprised you take cursive as a different form of writing…here it’s just English, write it however you want and most people prefer cursive

  • permanent 8track 3 years ago

    I am all for young kids taking an active part of food production for themselves with teachers that is a great idea. And having many ways to write is an advantage of expression and a privilege that should be available to every generation.

  • Hugo Der Matheossian 3 years ago

    in France, we learn how to write and we write in cursive…it’s totally normal for us

  • Lite paw 3 years ago

    Im a millennial but we should continue to learn cursive.

  • Ric Bradley 3 years ago

    If you don’t have to learn cursive you got it easy in school.

  • Elemental Magic 3 years ago

    Writing cursive is a key developmental aspect of self expression through the use of language and symbols.
    Trevor, if you really, honestly feel this way about teaching our children cursive, you are sadly ignorant of how our communication skills are developed, and how important hand writing is. For shame Trevor. You think digitizing everything is an upgrade? Go ahead, plug in fool….

  • chicken 3 years ago

    They need to bring cursive back because all government documents are in cursive

  • Zen Smylie 3 years ago

    In Scotland it is still taught to some extent I learnt it about a decade ago and still use it now.

  • Vanessa Whitney 3 years ago

    IMO, it should still be taught… I love cursive… It’s beautiful & artistic… It’s a pathway to developing one’s own writing style…

  • Mary 3 years ago

    I am proud to be able to write beautiful cursive. Letters are easier to write with cursive instead of printing. But, I have seen some printers that could print faster than I could write. It is more like art I guess. The Japanese have a beautiful way to write so I guess English people will have cursive. A shame not to learn but there is so much to learn in today’s academia that letting cursive go by the wayside seems logical.

  • Pcelica Maja 3 years ago

    In Serbian schools we have to write in cursive so overtime I got used to it and now I’m faster that way, especially in Cyrillic

  • Arcana Octonus 3 years ago

    Everyone needs to be capable of reading the constitution as written.

  • Mary Johnson 3 years ago

    To not teach cursive is wrong. Yeah, maybe it’s not used much, but have you ever watched a young person try to write something w/ an actual pen and paper. It’s pathetic. Phone service and internet can and will go down. Look at Louisiana right now. It’s so basic.


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