Sen. Bernie Sanders Says the Republican Party Has Become a Trump Cult 

Published on May 20, 2021

Sen. Bernie Sanders talks about the progressive nature of the Biden presidency, the Republican Party voting Rep. Liz Cheney out of leadership.

Late Night with Seth Meyers.

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  • Jürgen Sven Fuchs 3 years ago

    7:37 minute video, 45 seconds up, already 8 upvotes…

  • Jt Thomas 3 years ago


  • black bird 3 years ago

    In 2016 I moved to Vermont to support Bernie with my taxes as well as my vote. One of the best moves I’ve ever made. You’ll come for the syrup but you’ll stay for the democracy!!

  • lacebolla 3 years ago

    Twampie Loves to Place T everywhere

  • RawDog 3 years ago

    I live on the other side of the planet, so his politics don’t have an impact on my life, but Bernie Sanders comes across as a genuinely decent person. It feels like that has become an irrelevant aspect of US politics, and that’s sad.

  • David Beckey 3 years ago

    This man should be our President. However, I’m elated Biden defeated the most evil “man” on the planet. We didn’t just dodge a bullet, we dodged an A-bomb!

  • toobasaurus23 3 years ago

    Shouldn’t this be like the old Simpson’s Halloween episode when the brand mascots came to life?
    He will die if we all:
    “Just don’t look! Just don’t look!”

  • j_nation06 3 years ago

    Biden won. Trump lost. Are we still having this debate going into June? Unreal.

  • Antonio L 3 years ago

    My man Bernie.

  • jeaniebird 3 years ago

    I’ve been telling people, from the beginning, that this IS drumpf’s way of draining the swamp. He’s only doing what a narcissist does best – eventually crumble under all the destruction they’ve caused, while desperately holding onto their enablers, only to drag each and every one of them, down with him. Drumpf IS draining the swamp that is the Grand Old Party.

    That’s what they get for being sofa king corrupt! Goodbye, losers!

  • New Message 3 years ago

    An Evil Cult… with Donnie as both their comet, and their Kool-Aid.

  • mateowey 3 years ago

    We love you Bernie!!

  • Ann Onymous 3 years ago

    Bernie is looking good.

  • Pablo Osorio 3 years ago

    Democrats also support Israels military so yall the same

  • Barnes Multimedia 3 years ago

    Why isn’t THIS guy our president? He is wonderful.

  • Wingnut 3 years ago

    We love you Bernie

  • steven cooke 3 years ago

    I wonder if those working class Republicans who are saying “thank you” to Biden and the Democrats for clean water, safe bridges, a better salary, attainable post-secondary education and affordable healthcare will go into the voting booth and really thank the Democrats. People, sadly, don’t always vote with their head, but with their heart.

  • Al J 3 years ago

    Bernie has more faith in the republicans that blindly vote republican no matter what the name is then I do . In Kentucky most people who didn’t have health care now do because they were poor enough to qualify for the Medicaid expansion that Obama care brought them and they are still voting republican. They are more than happy to take the checks and get a raise and be happy about it but when the election comes around the mantra is never vote for a democrat and they stick to it.

  • Ibin Shkamed 3 years ago

    Allow me to reiterate … The Trumpublican Party is in retrograde and doomed to burn up in an atmosphere of truth.

  • Parajulis 3 years ago

    President Biden has chosen to listen to people no matter what party and GOP leadership has chosen to listen to the snake oil salesman’s schemes, so they can scam hard working people. GOP is going down. That’s what happens when you don’t listen to people you govern.

  • ANIMALS RURAL 3 years ago

    So have opportunity in news possession

  • rgb711 3 years ago

    Government is an organized crime syndicate.

  • Logan X10 3 years ago

    If only Bernie was president, he would have ended aiding Saudi Arabia commit genocide in Yemen a long time ago. Biden wants to keep it going because the money is too good to turn down.

  • wudangmtn 3 years ago

    Bernie is right, as usual, the only thing that Democrats need to do to win over Republicans is pass legislation to help the American people.

  • Anne Boleyn 3 years ago

    tRump is not president any more Seth. I do not understand what makes so many people follow tRump. Wonder when he will be serving the Kool Aid.

  • LYDIA SIMONEAU 3 years ago

    My favorite thing is Bernie says big lie was Trump won in a landslide, like an adult. Trump says he won by a lot, like a toddler. How many toys do you have? “A lot” is how they answer to any thing quantitative. He really is a child or appeals to them at least.

  • Amelia Wojnicz 3 years ago

    Other Republicans said Biden won…even Mitch McConnell said it. Why aren’t they trying to cancel all of those that supported that Biden won…even Bernie is saying it.

  • Crew TheAftermath 3 years ago

    It may app
    ear Biden is to far left but.. his past shows other wise. Obviously he is trying to do what is best to leve l America out before getting back to real work I mean Ya gotta fix the working poor. since like the 40’s the working class prop up the rich. It really is time for working poor to get a handhold on stability like the rich have.

  • Nugboy 420 3 years ago

    SubstAntive issues

  • Tone Shift 3 years ago

    Let Them Eat jellybeans!

  • junior corina 3 years ago

    The adventurous system apically part because stamp unprecedentedly remember behind a smooth instruction. oval, poor invention

  • Shula Hangel 3 years ago

    2 time loser antisemitic

  • TX Ryder 3 years ago

    I disagree about the republican party becoming a Trump Cult. I know many of them and sure a couple of them just love the guy, but from my experience Republicans are just normal working class Americans that see Trump as someone very successful who run things and someone who builds things and someone who will go in there and fix things.
    No…the next candidate who has an America first platform will surely gain the support of Republicans. It’s not the man. It’s the message and agenda.

  • 1p6t1gms 3 years ago

    This is a real patriotic way of country.

  • Sue Montgomery 3 years ago

    I keep hearing the phrase “families who has been left behind.” Left behind whom? They were not “left behind.” They failed to do their jobs as mature adults and gave up. No one can “save” them any more than a city’s mayor can insist that homelessness can be solved by building cheap housing and “inviting” the homeless in. Homelessness is a result of failure, not the failure itself. People who think they must be elevated by government while acting against their own best interests by *waiting* for help instead of taking a hold of their own lives and situations are not mature adults. That cannot be fixed by a progressive or any other kind of government.

  • Brian Brett 3 years ago

    We aren’t dealing with a cult. Politicians aren’t following tRump blindly out of a sense of loyalty because they believe the “big lie, they are following because the greatest con the tRump crime family ever pulled off was to infiltrate the Republiscum party and get dirt on most of these crooked politicians. Now the Republiscum party has to do what they are told and tRump will ride this pony into the ground.

  • The Mane Event 3 years ago

    …has become?! When wasn’t it?

  • David Rodriguez 3 years ago

    I love Bernie sanders , and would love it even more if he became president.. Hes so very passionate and with the right motives and ideals in his heart.

  • Angel G 3 years ago

    When Bernie is on Seth Myers, you know things are changing. Thank you Seth for giving him the spot and letting him speak.

  • NoalFarstrider 3 years ago

    If instead of helping “working families” start helping working people. The people who are actually working and have been essential would be included in the national help that’s been given to the unemployed/underemployed. That would be accepted by all Americans who work.

  • Nerdsworth Poindexter 3 years ago

    Bernie was once arrested for throwing eggs at civil rights protesters.

  • Tyler Godefroy 3 years ago

    see bernie or busters a seat at the table means something

  • Therehsus Kra 3 years ago

    This guy once asked 5 year old children not to smoke and do cocaine … was on the verge to be elected the democratic nominee … sums up America

  • Lyssas Faith 3 years ago

    You can tell a progressive from a moderate by how they refer to progressives. A progressive will call themselves progressive but a moderate will call them a liberal

  • Jack Gamboa 3 years ago


  • Kate 3 years ago

    BERNIE <3 we love you

  • Livia Dix 3 years ago

    Let’s face it, it’s more complicated that. It’s an ideology, it’s lies it’s propaganda, it’s ignorance, it racism, it’s the wants for power. It’s all, and more.It’s difficult.
    Just look at the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. Netanyahu
    Provoked, Hamas responded. Now, Netanyahu solidified his power.
    The peoples lost, and corrupt politicians won
    My support for Israel is dwindling, but Hamas is not getting it.
    I just want to crawl under a rock. If it’s
    Possible let’s stay out of it. We have enough problems of our own.

  • bobmatzke 3 years ago

    There are a lot of Republicans who are not represented by the values of this new TrumpCult party.

  • Kublito Khan 3 years ago

    Bernie Sanders , the best President you never had.

  • Derek Sanderson 3 years ago

    Larry David just gets better and better at playing this guy.

  • Manwiththeplan sXe 3 years ago

    The man that should’ve been president in 2016 and should be serving his 2nd term right now…

  • Al Snow 3 years ago

    If he would’ve brought those mittens out I’d move to Vermont from Canada just so I could vote for this man

  • Abe Hussein 3 years ago

    He might have not became a president. But he has had an influence on our society and the way we live and work for majority of us. I really hope we keep making progress on the uncovered issues by the covid-19. Workers wage,health care , education and the expensive child care. I believe Biden is making money moves to the future. Also we are not done yet. We are just beginning. If you work for a living you know things can get better. Honestly I don’t agree with extending the unemployment extra. I’d there’s jobs that’s needs to done we should get it done and get paid.

  • Glenn parent 3 years ago

    usa is broke facist regime

  • Glenn parent 3 years ago

    biden wheres the 15 bucks a hour —little boy

  • Darrell Boswell 3 years ago

    Last good politician.

  • Glenn parent 3 years ago

    usa the homeless cap[ital of the world

  • Mark Bee 3 years ago

    I’m a Canadian… give us Bernie for Prime Minister!!!

  • Krystal Vieira 3 years ago

    I LOVE BERNIE and ALL that he believes in!

  • Krystal Vieira 3 years ago

    I voted for Biden, but my heart is with Bernie.

  • Angel Gonzalez 3 years ago

    The sweet heat geometrically obey because cardboard unpredictably rot till a loud kidney. clear, false familiar famous santa

  • Just Human 3 years ago

    Love you Bernie!!!

  • Parnel Pospahala 3 years ago

    GOP is now GQP.

  • The Cold Poet 3 years ago

    Thank you Wally!!!!!!!!!

  • Lauren Russell-Pank 3 years ago

    I love Bernie so much! He has almost always seen the Big Picture and he always fights for everyone.

  • Frank Castle 3 years ago


  • Sara Lesperance 3 years ago

    Yep, Vermont is fantastic.

  • Sen Li 3 years ago

    That’s so optimistic that he thinks republicans will acknowledge any benefits achieved from democratic policies. They’d sooner convince themselves Trump sharted it out of his ass than admit they’re able to actually see reality

  • Victoria Anderson 3 years ago

    Bernie Sanders should be our president!

  • Shawn Greenaway 3 years ago

    Hitching your wagons to a man who lost the popular vote twice does not sound wise.

  • therealhumanguineapig 3 years ago

    For a moment, I seriously thought I saw that Bernie had referred to some people as “Trump cunts”, lol! Of course, I imagined it said in his New Englander accent! Best laugh I’ve had all week!

  • StreyX 3 years ago

    Trump is the wet dream of republicans. Someone that can be ignorant, racist, cruel, and down right evil while still be protected and excused by his followers. Imagine having immense power with a following that wouldn’t question it at any level. They want to be Trump so badly and it makes sense because they’re soul-less monsters that care for nothing, but power.

  • Ken Christie 3 years ago

    The GOP is morally and ethically bankrupt.

  • martha Ayala 3 years ago

    My president! Thanks for always being so decent to him, Seth! You’re one of the few

  • Sherry Hornsey 3 years ago

    Tell it like it is, Bernie!!!

  • Dr. Trixie CP 3 years ago

    Bernie Sanders is a good man

  • Hugh O'Reilly 3 years ago

    Bernie is a national treasure!

  • Gingerfurrdjedi 3 years ago

    Watch, a right wing “news” agency is going to clip Bernie saying “….Trump won the election, and by the way, by a landslide,…” completely out of context and run it on repeat. If someone sees it please source it because it’s gonna happen.

  • Travis7060312 3 years ago

    this man should have been president

  • nobre du 3 years ago

    The only way that I like to be an American citizen, It’s to vote for Bernie!

  • Farrah Upson 3 years ago

    I remember talking to a co-worker about politics a little over 20 years ago. He asked me why I was on the left, and I said, “because I believe in government. Government can and should handle our biggest problems”. He seemed shocked, like he hadn’t considered that as a possibility. Americans have been lied to and propagandized to for such a long time. We’re told that government is the enemy. I wish we would have chosen Bernie when we had the chance, because he could have brought us together to solve our problems as a country. Bernie won’t be president but maybe he can show us that it’s not too late to eschew privatization and the profit motive; the things that keep us poor, desperate, and fighting each other. Jettison them in favor of cooperation, fairness, and long-term benefits.

  • Real Tijuana 3 years ago

    But, guys, Biden’s been same-old-same-old his entire life. He’s voted more Republican than some Republicans. He supported imprisoning (or enslaving under Amendment 13) US blacks and he continues to support the killing of Palestine’s indigenous population. How can you think that he took such a radical departure from the guy he’s always been? _Genio y figura hasta la sepultura._

  • Derrick Odyes 3 years ago

    biden has been far from progressive towards marijuana legalization

  • Sherrie Shatzen 3 years ago

    Yes, that is the big question. Will America remain a democracy or not? If the GOP continues down their demented belligerent path it is almost certain that the answer is no.For. a while McConnell was referred to as Moscow Mitch. Is it possible that he is actually selling this country out to Russia for his own personal gain? And the Cult of Trump that is the current GOP must also be actively selling us out. Trump certainly did & he is their chosen messiah. Will we correct our course & region our bearings or will we crash & burn?

  • George B. Wolffsohn 3 years ago

    I really wish that the Democratic Party had the balls to run with Bernie Sanders in ’16. None of this treasonous crap would have happened.

  • Right Foot Left Hand 3 years ago

    Yes Bernie is right: cultism has taken root. The republican party needs to get over the election and figure out what they stand for.
    The thing with Bernie though: the last two elections it felt like he didn’t really want to be president. He just used the opportunity to influence the establishment to become more progressive and adopt his policies; arguably with some degree of success.

  • Mary Sparks 3 years ago

    Bernie Sander should absolutely be our president!!!!! We the People obviously don’t really decide anything with our votes. The fact that he was replaced first by Hillary, and then Biden, seems stark testimony to the absolute breakdown of our democracy and just how little the opinions of us regular folks’ actually matter.

  • Don Ho 3 years ago

    Ordinary Republicans may like some of the Biden programs but don’t expect any of them to thank him.

  • Jennifer Romano 3 years ago

    Politics in general are culty. But with so much respect and admiration and insight..wish he was more closely involved for the democratic leaders now.

  • JohnWicknTheBois 3 years ago

    Always a treat to see Bernie speak

  • P. Enisenvi 3 years ago

    And the democratic party isnt a cult? Censoring every opinion they dont agree with.

  • Wendy Humphreys Tebbutt 3 years ago

    I love listening to you both. Thank you for your astute questions and insightful answers. Yours in Gratitude

  • B R. 3 years ago

    Why bernie look like he reading

  • Cathy 3 years ago

    But if people are brainwashed into a cult, they might not realize that the government is working for them. These working class Republicans vote to make things worse for others, believing it is a zero-sum game.

  • Beth Prather 3 years ago

    Plus they all took the stimulus payments given out and needed.. So they need to be thankful.


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