Roy Wood, Jr.’s Advice for Costumes with Blackface | The Daily Show

Published on October 31, 2021

If you’re still somehow considering a Halloween costume with blackface in 2021, let’s revisit some friendly advice from Roy Wood, Jr. #DailyShow #RoyWoodJr #Halloween




  • Ian Oudu 2 years ago

    I see questions about black people putting on Whiteface. I don’t think it’s okay, but it does not perpetuate oppression like blackface. Apart from mockery, there is little social consequence of white face as compared to black face.

  • Andoga 2 years ago

    What if a white person dressed up as black Jesus? Is that offensive?

  • Sylvia Hoffman 2 years ago

    Nicely done! I enjoyed the party atmosphere background mixed with the reality of the message. I never understood why the old minstrel shows felt it necessary to do the black face, it wasn’t funny or served any purpose. Especially with Al Jolson since a lot of his act was not protraying a black man. Black face always irritated me.

  • Sodai Kitsune 2 years ago

    Is it blackface to cosplay a dark elf (Drow) with body/face paint? No one seems to have a clear answer.

  • lio demirror 2 years ago

    Please tell this to the Netherlands. They were the biggest colonizers ever and still celebrate black Pete every year mind you. I don’t get it why people think the Dutch are nice

  • Linda B B 2 years ago

    The problem is progress goes faster than time: some white people still doing blackface, black comedians still dehumanizing trans.

  • e schwarz 2 years ago

    Excellent segment from Roy

  • Yam Moto 2 years ago

    I mean sure. Lets put a minefeild around every person when we talk to them.

    But I understand that this is something rooted in american culture, so if it makes people happy to not be treading on that subject w.e. I guess.

  • inm mbb 2 years ago

    “Race is never a costume” love that. It’s so accurate. Nobody likes their identity being taken as a joke, all the time.. And with things that might be the core of them..

  • Asphodel123456 2 years ago

    Culturally appropriating central-European folk stories #cancelRoyWoodJr

  • Quisa D 2 years ago

    Aww its cute that you think people do black face because they’re unaware of its affect on people and not because they just don’t care or even want to ignite negative feelings.

  • Carbon AR 2 years ago

    Why does this have to be explained over and over again?

  • Cogitator Cat 2 years ago

    How dare you appropriate Transylvanian culture and adopt whiteface with the Pennywise costume making fun of redheads, neither group can help bursting into flames in the sunlight.

  • Jeremiah Bachmann 2 years ago

    “Because black people might think you are racist” is not something a white kid who genuinely wants to dress like Black Panther will understand. There needs to be an exception for little kids who are 100% innocent on Halloween.

  • Eric Burdon 2 years ago

    Blacks feel that chapelle should have the right to hurt the feelings of transgender community in the name of entertainment but blackface is off limits. What a bunch of hypocrits.

  • How to change name? 2 years ago

    Blackface is bad, especially if you’re Ted Cruzian


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