Rafael A. Mangual – Making the Case for More Policing | The Daily Show

Published on July 27, 2022

“More policing means less crime and the people who benefit are the people who are dealing with the biggest crime problem.” Manhattan Institute senior fellow and “Criminal (In)Justice” author Rafael Mangual explains what the defund movement gets wrong about policing, the role street culture plays in officer engagement, and understanding the racial disparities in crime data. #DailyShow #Comedy




  • Anastasia Brennan 2 years ago

    Can trevor and someone who can be his counterpart both host the next election debates please?

  • richard genett 2 years ago

    So he’s going the Carlson route? He be stabbing people and now he’s lost in the sauce?

  • richard genett 2 years ago

    I’m not profiling you in just judging you on your appearance

  • Regina McQueen 2 years ago

    To be fair to both sides, this issue is complicated and deeply ingrained in US culture, yet Noah only focused on one segment. On the other hand, as an aspiring data scientist myself, the data might have correlation without a clear indicator for causation. Some of the conclusions Mangual seems to draw might not be a complete picture. This was an important discussion, regardless, and I’m glad Noah is assertive and intelligent enough to call out statements or arguments with which he disagrees.

  • April Martin Chartrand, M.S. 2 years ago

    Implicit bias is what they guy is talking about. Not cool. Not way, that is not explanation… it is “Other-ism” and discrimination on a high level. This guy is off in the Eugenics ditch and buying into being ok with discrimination. Arggg… he is part of the problem, he believes in the dominant narrative = “other-ism”

  • machsimillian14 2 years ago

    Dude is from the Manhattan Institute, that’s all that’s needed to know. They’re renowned for citing studies while simultaneously misrepresenting the information in said studies. They’re also the ones responsible for pushing the CRT disinformation. These people are horribly disingenuous grifters.

  • Keo Mama bear 2 years ago

    This is the way two adults should talking when they have disagreements! Great interview Trevor

  • machsimillian14 2 years ago

    He’s also disingenuous by consistently citing Chicago, when Chicago isn’t even the most dangerous city in the US. There are many cities that are more dangerous are in places that Republicans don’t want to acknowledge because then they can’t say that these cities are only in blue states.

  • J C 2 years ago

    Hey Trevor…..I love ya brother and I think I disagree with you this time more than I ever have because you and I are on the same page with all.of my own beliefs. You were cutting him off and sometimes we all need ro listen. He made a lot of on spot reasons, etc. This all needs ro be talked about much more. I just hope we can Allister and hear how people feel. That’s how we will get somewhere. I agree with him a lot. Nor a food or bad thing but I’m on his side this time my friend. You sound defensive and a bit over defensive. We can’t stop stereotyping of people of all colors and especially African American men more than most, in my humble opinion. Love you both and everyone in this cou try and world. I really hope we can all stop with the hate that has been on steroids for the last 6 years it seems in overdrive.

  • Dee Dee 2 years ago

    Unfortunately, hardened criminals are virtually impossible to rehabilitate. Those people need to stay in jails so that they don’t terrorize whatever communities in which they reside. Those people who don’t commit crimes or aren’t hardened criminals should have all resources they need to expand their life choices. There should also be a ‘sit down’ between the police & community members to really listen to each other regarding what they want & need to make the neighborhoods safe.

    I love how Trevor Noah shows, by example, how to have a conversation discussing opposing opinions while remaining respectful to each other. Keep an open mind, listen intently, & then discuss what was stated. Lastly, we can agree to disagree.

  • Dan Seng 2 years ago

    Trevor is the best interviewer, EVER. Thank y’all

  • Awake 2 years ago

    This guy is clearly governed by respectability politics. And clearly has assigned negative connotations to corn rolls. MLK, Medgar Evers, and Malcolm X all did not wear corn rolls and they were still killed.

  • Randal Ceniceros 2 years ago

    Why is Trevor complexion lightened with every episode?

  • Adhanet kidane 2 years ago

    The thing about data is that it requires a question to be asked, so what questions are you asking. Anywho, if it weren’t for Trevor I wouldn’t have gotten through the 5 minutes that I forced myself to watch. Better luck next guest.

  • Max Ruso 2 years ago

    Wow… lock that dude up

  • Lkfj1221 2 years ago

    Trevor Noah has excellent word salad


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