Overtime: Masih Alinejad, Van Jones, Caitlin Flanagan | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

Published on September 30, 2022

Bill Maher and his guests answer viewer questions after the show.

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  • Kay Alcorn 2 years ago

    Really good show tonight, Bill. Super funny and informative.

  • Wrong Turn 2 years ago

    yeah, no iran doesnt always blame USA. Does she not know what the status of Iran was before 1970’s? They were allies of USA. They didnt do jack. All they did was say hey, you know this oil we have? The oil that British companies are still exploiting since colonial days even though they arent officially colonising us anymore? YEah, we are just gonna use it ourselves and use it for our people instead of it feeding the colonial purse which is illegal now BTW. And that is when WE did a coup to replace their Shah. We brought extremism to their country. Look at pictures of Iran from 70’s. Women walking around in mini skirts, guys standing around in bell bottoms and psychedelic shirts. And now look at it. People have all history bass ackwards because no one ever studies it. No, these sanctions on IRan have no business. This extremism only begets extremism and studies have shown that sanctions dont change foreign policy, Maybe in very small countries it might which form like the 2% of times it does work. But when you starve an entire population so badly that a whole generation grows up undernourished to prevent them from using their own resources for their own people, they arent blaming you as the bad guys. YOu are the bad guys.

    Has no one ever wondered why Iran and Syria and Iraq never blame south africa, bangladesh brazil or any of these other 160 countries? Why every single country outside of NATO blames NATO? If you think every country except like 15 core NATO countries are brainwashed ad everyone is mad lunatic and insane, it should give you pause. Maybe they are not the crazy ones. And she talks about HExbollah and what not as if it is USA’s suty to control it. I am sorry, but USA doesnt seem to give a shit when Saudis are orchestrating a war in Yemen or when China is brutally oppressing Tibetans (the two most seevre humanitarian crises on the earth acc to HRW). But we will starve people to death because god forbid they use their own resources. When Russia talks about colinisers will always be pirates and looters – we can mock him. But this behaviour is precisely the reason why all these 160 countries agree with that. BEcause we behave like a pirate nation looting and plundering everywhere. The looting we call trade ad the coercion we call foreig policy. We are literally stoking wars in ethipia and tunisia right now. In ethipia for gas and in tunisia for phospahte both of which we sanctioned from Russia. And these countries never voted for those sanctions, they never voted to trade with us. We just coerced them to because we could. Nope, you will never convince me that continuing to brutalize Iran is the right way because “nuclear”. I heard WMD before – Iraq. it wasnt right then and it isnt right now and I dont give a shit if the person doing it has a D or R infront of his name. Now all sides can feel free to attack me. But no, it is wrong. Lifting these sanctions is the right thing to do no matter how you slice it.

  • Silence me Violate me 2 years ago

    Bill, working with china in the 70s did what?

  • rocky 2 years ago

    Are education system needs a complete overhaul if we are going to stand a chance at global superiority. China gets this. So should us americans.

  • Chris Moon 2 years ago

    I wish maralago would have been wiped off the land but no one else got hurt

  • tinebino 2 years ago

    Wow bill can’t take the truth from a real source? I am surprised

  • Zahiri Muroki 2 years ago

    Longer Overtime!

  • tipoomaster 2 years ago

    Ugh Caitlin was the worst, just blabbered on and on and barely let Van talk

  • Tutone Lyles Naranjo 2 years ago

    Building on coastal areas with minimal access roads or alternate transportation options and no realistic workable planning solutions for disasters such as how to relocate the most people timely to safe havens would be sheer madness.

  • Wrong Turn 2 years ago

    Seriously? No nuclear power has attacked another country like this, lost face like this and lost war like this? Have you heard of Vietnam? Have you heard of Combodia? Afghanistan (USA and then Societ Union and then USA again?). Have you heard of Pakistan? I mean argue all you want but argue sense.

    Next, Putin doesnt have to prove to anyone around the world anything. He has to only save face at home. And you can joke about conscription and all that but he is still selling it at home. And those regions, once added will stay with them for a long time. For all Ukraine has accomplished, they will still lose those regions. He has kept Chechnya, Crimea for half a decade now. And there is no sign of them ever coming back. I have heard this wierd mixture of gloating, mocking and fearmonegering before- during Crimea, during chechnya, during Syria. And every single time all of this jibber jabber has proven to be wrong. Look I feel bad for Ukraine I do but grow a pair and either give them the help they need or just get a peace agreement signed. Brave as they are, how long can they sustain this with insuffcient equipment? Are we seriously gonna let Putin say all NATO countries put all their resources together and Russia still got 4 territories. Show half the bravery as Ukraine and go all in or get the hell out. Dont subject Ukrainians to years of slaughter like we have done in Iraq, Afghanistan. Syria, Somalia. Sudan, Ethipia, Vietnam…I mean do I need to go on? I refuse to accept that there is no better way. There is. But we need to stop feeding OUR war machine first.

  • LORD PHOENIX 2 years ago

    Masih red pilled the left wing cucks. Bill had the look like this was not suppose to happen.

  • Ken Sims 2 years ago

    great answer on covering hurricanes in FL….based on both answers

  • Secular Maga Hat 2 years ago

    There was a tentative peace agreement between Russia and Ukraine back in April 2022 but the “west” squashed the deal because they want the war !

  • Dean Allen 2 years ago

    DAMN, BILL!!! WHAT A COP-OUT! “Agree to disagree.” The chickenshitness of that statement stoned the audience into a scathing silence! She should get your job!

  • Steve Philips 2 years ago

    Apparently the facts presented by Masih Alinejad are more credible than Maher’s ability to make jokes about them!


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