Overtime: Andrew Sullivan, Katie Herzog, Christine Emba | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

Published on June 24, 2022

Bill Maher and his guests – Andrew Sullivan, Christine Emba, and Katie Herzog – answer viewer questions after the show.

Find Real Time with Bill Maher on HBO GO® http://itsh.bo/iioY87.

It’s HBO.

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  • Andrea Camp 2 years ago

    Enjoyed Christine and Kate, I was unfamiliar with both of them. A breath of fresh air after Kellyanne Conway a couple weeks back. He should never have her on the show again. Not because I can’t abide her, I am free to turn off the TV, because she is a complete waste of oxygen.

  • Ed Schell 2 years ago

    Katie is great

  • Nik Garcia 2 years ago

    Biden Gas Hikes are DEVASTATING the less fortunate everywhere yet Joe lies about it constantly, blaming Putin for everything. Biden cut Crude Oil Production not Putin. So I agree with Pence. Want LOWER Gas Prices vote GOP

  • Mark Gross 2 years ago

    So Bill…….the thing about mansplaining and whitesplaning is — nobody’s saying you *can’t* do it, only that it makes you look like a douche when you do. They’re like racist and sexist jokes with double the irony and none of the humor. BTW, the reason menthol cigarettes are so popular with the African American community just might have something to do with the incessant marketing of them to the African American community by the tobacco industry, kinda like the way Marlboro Reds being popular with hicks just might have something to do with the Marlboro Man. I don’t know if banning is the right answer, but it is the responsibility of the Federal Government to let the American public know that nicotine is more addictive than some Schedule I and II narcotics and doesn’t do wonders for your health or your wallet.

  • Pure Science 2 years ago

    Look up:
    FDA agrees to ban menthol to protect African Americans

  • PonyCar Resurrection 2 years ago

    I inserted my forceps into the uterus and applied them to the head of the fetus, which was still alive, since fetal injection is not done at that stage of pregnancy. I closed the forceps, crushing the skull of the fetus, and withdrew the forceps. The fetus, now dead, slid out more or less intact.

  • ole man younger 2 years ago

    Sorry folks, despite what that Katie dude said, nicotine is toxic and heart attacks are still fatal. If you vape, your still a smoker. Just an obnoxious, cowardly one.

  • Phil Salley 2 years ago

    What a rare experience to watch gay guests being normal and rational, not staking out absurd positions.

  • DemRi 2 years ago

    The fertility issue is actually a big problem in many countries. Korea, Japan, Taiwan, etc……they are set to have almost no work force / tax base in the coming decades. The choice will be 1) mass immigration or 2) full automation–robot takeover

  • Todd Jones 2 years ago

    it’s interesting about the concept of lower birth rates as being good… which… sure… but… for economies based on capitalism – which requires growth — birthrates can be catastrophic… Japan is ‘in trouble’. China is ‘in trouble’. Not enough young workers/consumers.

  • icemanbtlr25 2 years ago

    We’re screwed

  • CitiZEN CAT 2 years ago

    Future generations will look back in horror at the “Roe v. Wade Era” and will compare the abortion holocaust to Slavery, The Inquisition, Witch-burning, and Lobotomizing the mentally ill.
    The Great Awakening is here… open your eyes!

  • Mark Darnell 2 years ago

    Banning menthol is racist? Come on Bill…why does everything have to be about race. And vaping is not just inhaling water vaper…it does contain chemicals that aren’t healthy. People are just trading one unhealthy habit for another.

  • Bill Riddle 2 years ago

    Bill is racist as Fuck.

  • Philip Pedro 2 years ago

    Overpopulation. Thank you Bill Maher

  • UToobin75 2 years ago

    Woah what now? The first Maher take I’ve agreed with in some time now? Want to save the climate? DEPOPULATE!

  • Gary Richards 2 years ago

    Cigarettes are a comfort food in a sense. We suckle from birth. Comfort food.


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