Opioids III: The Sacklers: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Published on August 9, 2021

John Oliver explains how the Sackler family has been handling lawsuits related to the opioid crisis, how hard they’ve been fighting to defend their name, and why you should judge the situation for yourself.


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  • Justin Smooth 3 years ago

    Yo! That Oxycotin song was lit. Lol. Especially the Baritenor end “sell,” lol.

    But they should all be held responsible for their harm.

  • Peter Petermann 3 years ago

    i don’t know why this is about paying or keeping, it should be about the size of the prison sentence.

  • Jobri 3 years ago

    I laid nine of my brothers in the ground, but for pure luck I didn’t join them. Fuck big pharma, fuck doctors and fuck the crony capitalism that allowed all of this.

  • amund teigum 3 years ago

    Classic british birdface sellout, letting them keep 1 billion. Way to go british Sackler

  • serina delmar 3 years ago

    Perdue Pharma and the Sackler family have nothing to do with the illicit fentanyl that is causing the opioid epidemic in the USA. You should focus on PROP and the corruption of the CDC. Then follow the money and learn how many intractable pain patients suicides have come as a consequence of this corruption and distortion of the truth; even the CDCs own data counters it. Cover that.

  • saxyrep1 3 years ago

    Even the name Sackler sounds like an insult for snake oil salesmen at the time of the Frontier.

  • pgmp 3 years ago

    – I know this might sound like a broken record. But Oliver you really really need to talk about Climate change, the frigging forests dont stop burning.
    The average temperature of Oregon have raised by several degrees. And i am not gonna lie we are considering moving away to another state or worse case scenario country if things keep getting hot hot hot.

  • Brian Martinez 3 years ago

    I cant wait till he goes back to a public audience

  • Lovégo Libertas 3 years ago

    I’m pretty sure the DOJ will do anything to make sure that we, ‘the people’ understand we cannot stand up against these families. But this show is legend for at least just trying to do so. Thanks you to John, the crew and those who allow and finance this at HBO

  • B20C0 3 years ago

    Gtreat Justice system. Small time drug dealers go to prison. Victims who got hooked on opiods and switched to heroin go to prison. These guys walk. They always walk. 2008 they walked, now they walk. The USA is a failed state.

  • Hiltibrant 3 years ago

    I think they’re also mentioned as villains in The Lord of the Rings… the Sackler-Baggins. Good to see they’ve evolved their criminal methods since then!

  • kstigerlily bs 3 years ago

    Good for you. The long term pain caused by addiction to that drug (for those who survived addiction to it) is so sad that most people don’t even want to look at it.

  • Jean~Luc Picard 3 years ago

    Sacklerige, noun, s: Consequence free commiting of mass murder.


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