New Rule: Let the Population Collapse | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

Published on July 29, 2022

Instead of worrying about population decline, we should be celebrating it.

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  • C E 2 years ago

    A billion Americans? WTF?!

  • Fight evil. Read books. 2 years ago

    We will be living the movie “Idiocracy” in about twenty years.

  • Brian Meyer 2 years ago

    Societies run on unregulated capitalism “thrive” on the ever-increasing number of poor, hungry, sickly and stupid people in them. Population control would adversely affect the only thing that does matter in America: annual profit growth.

  • tttrrrification 2 years ago

    Bill Maher is so wrong here

  • Kuntal Samrat 2 years ago

    Thanos did nothing wrong..

  • Chastity Whore 2 years ago

    Europe and Capitalism is the problem not poor people.

  • Happy 2 years ago

    Regarding, Population reaching 8 Billion… our population triples every 100 years, and they want to outlaw abortions?

  • SAM chandler 2 years ago

    And raise the Malthusian theory that has been disproved many times over. The reality is we have hit this barrier before and surpassed it, we don’t know how much food we can produce, if we added in all the food waste the west alone creates it would be a significant amount – right now we only know that our globalized economy cannot sustain moderate risks like a pandemic, or even a regional war without serious repercussions, like no baby food.
    You can make baby food at home.

  • Alex Vagias 2 years ago

    The real tragedy of this is, yes, the birth rate of the developing countries is coming down, but, not because of concern for the environment. It’s, mainly, because having lots of children is becoming unaffordable. That’s how shallow the thinking of the average human is.

  • trapez77 2 years ago

    Overpopulation is a myth. The Disney world example is horrible because with more people you just have more Disney worlds

  • Trusted Knower 2 years ago

    Why doesn’t Bill investigate his “data points”? The world is running out sand? That’s obviously bullshit.

  • Mark O'Connor 2 years ago

    A major misperception. The entire population of the world can actually fit on the Island of Maui. Additionally, the world produces more than three and a half times the food necessary to feed itself. The problem is greed and distribution of resources.

  • Charles Bronson 2 years ago

    Population control is needed but its a slippery slope. Remember China and what haplened to the females born?

    Who decides who has the kids? The wealthy? The mega churches? The Scientists? Perhaps a lottery?

    I never wanted kids but my sons mom did and she made sure it happened. I love my son but since, i have yet to have more with any new girlfriends since. All while my rich brothers wife can pay to get kids despite not able to and want 3 to 5 via invitro.

    So the problem would be that those who can afford kids at no expense vs the poor who can but then can’t support them. But with no labor class society will collapse. So the poor pump out 3 or 5 kids with no regard. While the wealthy do also but can afford them.

    Until we have Asimov robots as a labor force, the divide between classes will keep us as we are.

    Killing ourselves from pollution. The labor class needing cheap resources vs the wealthy controlling them the lower classes who make their costly high end products.

    Perhaps tax incentives? Government provided cars and housing for those with1 child or less who then get neutered after 1 get a check every year for 10k but those with 2 kids or more get nothing?

    Greed is motivating our slow death now, maybe use it to motivate less child births. Make it a choice but the one to have less kids is the better motivation.

    Until we can travel to resource rich planets, we are screwed.

  • Adagio Redshift 2 years ago

    Many people being “concerned” about population decline are mostly bothered that the number of white people is declining and the number of non-whites is the one going up.

  • beephex1 2 years ago

    It’s about f*cking time somebody said this.

    But it’s a bigger conundrum than he is letting on.

    Capitalism, communism, socialism, and fascism are all predicated on growth.

    This is new territory and requires new thinking.

  • Cheesecake Double Peanutbutter 2 years ago

    No, a lot of the complexity in our society and all the benefit emerging from that is because of large population. Our infrastructure is built for a large population. With all due respect, Bill, you don’t know what you’re talking about.


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