Mental Health Care: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Published on August 1, 2022

John Oliver discusses the cracks in our broken mental health care system, some of the inadequate ways we’ve tried to fill them, and what it all has to do with the gallbladder.


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  • Rich Marceau 2 years ago

    The politics of the creation of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual resulted in a huge turd in the form of DSM-V. Compare it to ICD-11 which is more granular yet ensnares fewer actually healthy people into providing billable hours.

    For historical context look at the divergence between the two concerning PTSD and Complex PTSD; the arguments within the APA steering committee unsurprisingly would almost always result in more people being drawn into whatever diagnosis the person making the argument specializes in. “When all you have is a hammer (specialty), everything looks like a nail (patient)”

  • Gabriel Satter 2 years ago

    I hope this isn’t as disappointing as his inflation piece.

  • BurnLikeAFlame 2 years ago

    The more religious people that exist in a country, the higher the number of mentally disturbed people… religion IS a mental disturbance.
    Put an end to belief in bullshit about talking snakes, talking donkeys, talking burning bushes (that’s called hardcore drug use, people) and bring people back to reality.

  • Mehmet Taha Aydın 2 years ago

    Therapists aren’t necessarily medical professionals, I think you’re confusing them psychiatrists.

  • Thyr Lindberg 2 years ago

    Didn’t Oliver do an episode on this subject, or something like it, a few years back (I remember that the Florida shuffle was a subject brought up)

    Edit: Nevermind, the episode I’m thinking of is about Rehab

  • Meredith Montanez 2 years ago

    I was forced to move back to the US mid-care during some serious neurological issues. I’ve been medicated into oblivion here, my stomach is destroyed and I’ve been fighting with Anthem just to get care that will actuall help solve my problem, but won’t keep making them money hand-over-fist. It almost seems like getting worse almost helps. It’s all so bizarre.

  • John Steinat 2 years ago

    Health insurance is a scam

  • Davere Tash 2 years ago

    Reality check of economic loss.

  • Abigail S 2 years ago

    I used Anthem at one point… fuck them.

  • Michael Voy 2 years ago

    Another example of fraud and corruption in our society. I find it interesting that corrupt politicians talk about mental health. Also, do we more mental health care or less exposure to the idea that unpleasant experiences call for therapy. Psychologists are trying to replace religious counselors. Based on the conditions, neither seem effective.

  • arielkmusic 2 years ago

    I like phone calls way better than emails!! What is up with the phone call hate?!

  • 83gemm 2 years ago

    The only time anyone talks about mental health is when they want to redirect the gun control discussion after a mass shooting.

  • pearsfears 2 years ago

    there’s a big mental health community on tiktok and it definitely has its huge flaws and people running around with false information, but there are also many therapists and phds helping to soften the blow of collective trauma thats happening almost every day, especially during the pandemic and especially because you could not talk to a doctor or therapist in person.
    so many people discovered thanks to the pandemic and the time they got and tiktok that they’re adhd or autistic and finally got proper diagnosis or a blueprint on how to help themselves… which is huge, because we are never seen and always sent away. Even now we’re being told that there cant be that many adhd people and that we’re making this up and now aderall is produced less to “show us that we cant just take it like candy”
    but yeah its just tiktok and dancing animals and apparently we just want to be sick so doctors, when we finally see them, dont take us seriously and thats a whole new medical trauma for all of us…

  • Armand Sterbend 2 years ago

    the USA has the biggest mental health crisis in the world. That’s why is full of mass shootings, serial killers and shit like that

  • Elkator955 2 years ago

    Remember everyone, public health care has long wait lines, unlike America, where you have to pay to get in line, so the line is pretty short. Don’t look at the dead people besides the line, they never stood in it.


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