“It’s Up To The Citizenry To Protect Democracy” – Rep. Adam Schiff

Published on June 9, 2022

In the final part of his interview with Stephen Colbert, Rep. Adam Schiff outlines what he hopes Americans will take away from Thursday’s televised Jan. 6th Committee hearings. #Colbert #AdamSchiff #RepAdamSchiff

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  • Darwin Chapmam 2 years ago

    I originally thought that Garland would have been a good judge on the Supreme Court. My opinion of the man has changed.

  • TheRealFLX81 2 years ago

    As a German, I dont see a lot of Republicans with open minds. If the horrendous things that this party of disgusting, vile assholes did those last 5 years didnt turn you off from voting for them, then no congressional hearing will. Even if all the ammoral, corrupt republican “politicians” admitted to constantly lying to their voters and committing all those crimes we know they did and more, it seems at least 30-40% of all murricans would still vote for them just to stop the “radical left socialist democrats”.

  • Paul Clissold 2 years ago

    The doj needs to survive in an autocratic world post jan 2023 good luck all brave souls.

  • Marijuanifornia 2 years ago

    The 13-minute, 42-second 1942 US Department of Agriculture video *Hemp for Victory* is the key to reducing unemployment, reducing poverty, reducing hunger, reducing homelessness, reducing health care costs, reducing crime, reducing police brutality, reducing government spending, reducing political corruption, reducing pollution, replacing fossil fuels, ending deforestation and stopping climate change, all at the same time.
    There is an official .gov link to the film from the US National Archives. It has been public since 1990.
    There was a bill in Congress titled HR 3652, the *Hemp for Victory Act of 2019.*

    Every politician is lying to us.

  • Thomas the Seer 2 years ago

    Notice he never actually speaks about gathering evidence to submit for criminal charges against anyone. After all, they’re all just obnoxiously wealthy people playing a game with each other. Once the “hearings” are over and none of the wealthy people who were criminally involved in sabatage of the united states presidential election are charged with any crimes (an official united states government procedure that if ordinary citizens tried to interfere, they would be instantly imprisoned. . .oh wait hundreds of them already are!)
    They have to jazz it up to try to get people to watch and listen but all this is really going to do is just piss off a whole bunch of people all over again. The blatant criminality that is rampant in the united states government will be on full display and we the people will be left here baffled knowing after all this insanity, the criminals STILL are in control of our country and the only ones who suffer any consequences are the Julian Assanges in the world. The people who aren’t in that wealthy people’s club. That same club that includes Garland. You know, the one person that could have brought many of these criminal traitors like bannon and meadows and so many of those criminals to justice. All of them including trump committed treason against the united states of America and yet here we all watch as the criminals continue to live their lives unimpeded. Not even a slap on the wrist.

  • Kayenta Moenkopi 2 years ago

    I don’t know why it is up to the citizenry to protect democracy. WE already did our part in the election. Use the power you were voted into office to wield already.

  • M Lindsay 2 years ago

    “Utimately, it is up to the citizenry to protect our democracy.” What does that mean exactly? To elect people who will protect democracy? There are people who vote for their lawmakers on both sides. That IS a democracy. This, sir, is the result of democracy.

  • Tired 2 years ago

    You’re re;lying on the American CItizenry?
    You’re fucked.

  • hippydippy 2 years ago

    Everything he said in the entire 3 part video was very well said. Wake Up People!!!

  • Okkie Trooy 2 years ago

    Good luck Schiff and the other members if J6.
    Good luck USA.

  • Jan Wag 2 years ago

    Pass the voting rights bill now!!!

  • Ryan Ridenhour 2 years ago

    Extremely disappointmented Steven should push back not just do PR for Congress. The American people already ‘saved’ Democracy in 2020. You have a majority in congress. Yet it’s the public job.
    Pass Voting , HR1.

  • Greg Huber 2 years ago

    You forget. Mr. Schiff. Citizens have been crapped on for yesrs by politicians.


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