Is The U.S. Headed For A Recession? Sec. Janet Yellen Gives Her Outlook

Published on December 1, 2022

Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen makes her first visit to The Late Show to talk with Stephen about the pandemic’s effect on the economy and whether or not the U.S. is headed for a recession. Stick around for another segment with Secretary Yellen! #Colbert #SecretaryYellen #JanetYellen


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  • FearlessVampireKiller 1 year ago

    they printed a lot of dollars out of nowhere

  • Super 1 year ago

    rich are literally making trillions she’s parroting “the war in Ukraine” if it wasn’t that it’d be something else. It’s the super wealthy and mega corporations getting record profits with inflation being this high

  • Lawrence Iverson 1 year ago

    Investors have NOT lost a lot of money.!! Gamblers have !! Nixon??? Us went off the gold standard in 1933 !!!!!

  • petermoyse 1 year ago

    The USA is headed for a long but, probably, shallow recession throughout 2023 and maybe even into early 2024. The aim of The White House and the Fed is to bring inflation down. The Fed has only 2 tools at its disposal to do that: hike interest rates and quantitive tightening (taking dollars out of the money supply). Hiking interest rates slows economic activity as business loans, mortgages and high ticket-items cost more. This, in turn, creates higher unemployment as businesses shrink and the housing market collapses. As for quantitive tightening, the Fed is taking USD$95 billion per month out of the money supply so there is less money for people to spend. Around the second quarter of 2024, the Fed will pivot: interest rates will come down and quantitive tightening will be replaced with quantitive easing (printing money). This is all politically motivated so that, going into the 2024 presidential election, the economy will be booming again. But there would be no need for the Fed to engineer a recession if the head of the Fed, Jerome Powell, hadn’t persisted throughout 2021 in saying that rapidly increasing inflation was only transitory. It’s his mess and the American people are and will continue to pay the price for his incompetence for over a year ahead.

  • Annika Avila 1 year ago

    I want Janet Yellen on the $100 instead of that hedonistic sybarite, Ben Franklin. Though Franklin does make sense there when tipping workers in the negotiable affection sector because he was such a famous patron of that oldest profession. I could see tucking a Yellen into a speedo at Chippendales…

  • Jackson 1 year ago

    Old people belong in nursing homes… all I hear is a bunch of bullshit.

  • Colorado Mnt Chef 1 year ago

    And some of us worked and survived

  • Leanne Vande Kew 1 year ago

    Trump and two friends, a Rabbi and a Hindu Sadhu, had car trouble in the countryside, before they asked to spend the night with a farmer. The farmer said, “There might be a problem; you see, I only have room for two to sleep, so one of you must sleep in the barn.” “No problem,” chimed the Rabbi, “My people wandered in the desert for forty years, I am humble enough to sleep in the barn for an evening.” With that he departed to the barn and the others bedded down for the night. Moments later a knock was heard at the door; the farmer opened the door. There, from the barn, stood the Rabbi. “What’s wrong?” asked the farmer. He replied, “I am grateful to you, but I can’t sleep in the barn. There is a pig in the barn, and my faith believes them to be unclean animals.” His Hindu friend agrees to swap places with him. But a few minutes later, the scene reoccurs, after another knock on the door. “What’s wrong, now?” the farmer asks. The Hindu holy man replies, “I too am grateful for your helping us out, but there is a cow in the barn and in my country, cows are considered sacred. I can’t sleep on holy ground!” Well, that leaves only Donald Trump to make the change. He grumbled and complained but went out to the barn. Moments later there was another knock on the farmer’s door. Frustrated and tired, the farmer opens the door, and there stood…. the pig and the cow.

  • patrick piel 1 year ago

    consent to mass murder children. this thing actually said she thought it was worth it that the us military killed half million children in iraq!!!!!!!!! nothing this piece of scum can say that has any merit. trying to cap oil on Russia will never work. you will pay again for having this repeat jewzy.

  • patrick piel 1 year ago

    Um Um U m um um um um um um??/ very educated???????//

  • Luis Perez 1 year ago

    Brilliant women

  • Yuriel Cundangan 1 year ago

    Anybody who saw what transpired to this country then still voted for REPUBLICANA is beyond Hopee

  • Yuriel Cundangan 1 year ago

    Anybody who saw what transpired to this country then still voted for REPUBLICANA is beyond hope.

  • Bonghune Zhou 1 year ago

    Does Ms. Yellen prefer her current job, or the chair of “The Fed”?

    (Had Hillary won in 2016 she assuredly would have been re-appointed)

  • co2 hashoil 1 year ago


  • Kenneth James 1 year ago

    why is she on late night? wtf? And why come on if your just gonna talk and say nothing

  • SirBlot 1 year ago

    I think that is the point


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