Is it quiet quitting…or just doing the job?

Published on September 3, 2022


  • Bobby Reynolds 2 years ago

    What Trevor is saying reminds me of something I read years ago in the book “Die Broke”: Your job is not your life; your job is what you do so you can have a life.

  • A. draconius 2 years ago

    Thank you, Trevor! 😀

  • MLG GAMER 2 years ago

    And this is why America is so weird just doing your job from the normal time Isn’t really quiet quitting it’s just doing the job.

  • cmdraftbrn 2 years ago

    oh and these same companies whining about how they cant find anyone to fill those JOBS!

  • Jay Play 2 years ago

    I just quietly never came back or answered the phone when they called for a week.

  • Actually Houdini 2 years ago

    quiet quitting should be going to your job and doing nothing or going to your job and do everything you usually do but for free. if your boss isn’t going to pay you for your labour, why should they get money tbat theyre obviously not going to pay you with?

  • VulpesArgentum 2 years ago

    Just dont give bonuses to people who only did the bare minimum.

  • Her Sche 2 years ago

    In France it’s just normal. You don’t stay longer if you’re not paid for. Expect for special jobs where it’s inclued in your salary

  • Joe Gunn 2 years ago

    How are you supposed to get ahead at your job if you don’t put in extra effort? How would you stand out and why would you deserve a promotion? That’s what this entitled generation doesn’t understand

  • Phương Nguyễn Thanh 2 years ago

    Company dont care how many hours you need to spend to finish your job. They event expect you to show that you are dedicated to the company by doing more work, showing up sooner than actual work time.
    Can you go to the store and ask for free things sometimes?? No. They just want us to do work for free.

  • Ginger Potato 2 years ago

    Just so quiet, expecially on shorts with no volume controls

  • Phoenix 2 years ago

    We can’t hear you at the back


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